Page 27 of Gift of Hope

“Do you have a personal relationship with Harvey Fort?”

“No.” My answers are automated. It’s the only way I can keep the realness of what happened from surfacing.

“Were you at all having relations with Mr. Fort while you were admitted into the FORT Center?”

“This interview is over.” Mini, my publicist, comes forth and ends the interview. I’m so relieved because I don’t think I could have hidden the truth from them. Not only that, it would cause an uproar for Harvey if they thought a doctor was sleeping with a patient.

After the interviewer has packed up and left, do any of us speak. Of course, Mom walked the journalist out, probably trying to sweet-talk him.

“Thanks, Mini. I wouldn’t have been able to hide the truth from him.” She nods, but has something else she wants to say.

“Listen, Eve. I’m sorry for never coming to see you or getting in touch. Your mom was a nightmare the whole time you were gone and my workload nearly tripled. I couldn’t leave and I didn’t want you to find out what was happening back here and risk hurting your progress. I’m so, so sorry. Friends?” I can see the empathy written all over her face. She looks on with anticipation and I know she’s being genuine.

Mini is one of my best friends, that’s why she became my publicist. She knows me better than I know myself sometimes and for that reason alone is why I’m forgiving her absence.

“Min, while I wished any one of you messaged me at the least, I can understand why. I’m almost relieved to hear you say that actually. I don’t think I would have managed as well, having known what was happening. I had a hard enough time as it was, so, thank you for being honest. And of course, we’re still friends.” I open my arms wide for her to come in for a hug. With me wearing heels, it puts us at an even height with Mini being five foot nine.

“Thank you. It’s so good to have you back, Eve. Man have I missed you. Listen, we have a lot to talk about before this article goes out. If you’re up for it, how about I come over tonight, bring dinner and we can have a proper catch-up?”

I don’t need time to think. “That sounds lovely.” I need a friend and having Mini back in my life right now is perfect timing.

We say our goodbyes as Mom comes back into the room and dismisses Mini. “Mom, you can’t do that.” I’ve chosen to be more forward with her on my return. The fact she tried to run my life while I was rehabilitating has been the deciding factor. “If you want to be a part of my life at all, you need to back off. That means no more interviews without me knowing. No more organizing my diary and certainly no more meddling with my personal life. I know you’ve been trying to keep up appearances for me, but I’m back now and I’ll manage on my own. I’m going home now; I’ll see you tomorrow, if I’m up to it.”

I don’t pause for her rebuttal as I gather my things and leave the house. A house I once loved. The memories of my childhood run through my mind the entire Uber ride home. It’s as if the accident has made me reevaluate my life. A life I once loved and craved.

Now, it’s as if I’m looking through someone else’s eyes, watching the past and present battle for supremacy. Does the pre-accident me want to fight for my dancing career or does the post-accident me want a life I never thought I could have?

As I sit in the Uber watching the buildings go by, I regret messing things up with Harvey. Not being able to say goodbye to him, Josey or Asher was upsetting.

“We’re here, Miss,” the driver announces.

“Thank you.” I make sure to leave a good rating for him before I exit the car.

My gray mood doesn’t lift as Mini walks through my apartment door, takeaway boxes in hand. “Girl, is it gloomy in here or has someone stolen your cat?” Mini’s always one to call me out. She reminds me of Josey in a way, just an older version.

“I messed up, Min. I’ve made such a big mistake.” I burst into tears. “I…I… lah-ha-huv-em.” I sound like a blubbering fool.

“Eve, babe, what the hell is going on with you? Who do you love? O-oh,” she says as she becomes aware of my admission. With her mouth hanging open and her finger pointing at me she then somewhat screeches, “You love Mr. Hot and Dreamy, don’t you? Oh my God, Evy baby, you need to tell me everything!”

It takes me a while to settle down, so Mini makes us a drink each. When we’re both seated at the table, I start telling my story. It’s like she’s at the movies the whole time with how invested she becomes. Resting her elbows on the table, cupping her head in her palms, drink and dinner long forgotten, while I tell her every detail no one else knows, including my decision about my future.

“Bloody hell, Eve. You don’t do things by halves, do you? What are you going to do about it? You can’t leave it like this. To me it seems like you left so many things unsaid; important things. If you’re truly in love with Harvey, you need to do something about it. Don’t throw it all away for a career that will only last for as good as you are at dancing.”

I think about what she said while I sip on my drink and we redirect the conversation. Though, I can’t seem to focus on that either.

“Min, what if I finished my time in rehab and therapy hereandstudy to be a dance therapy instructor? I already have my masters, surely this is something I could do?” Sparks ignite within as I further think about a change in direction for my career. “I already know what it’s like to have it almost taken away, then have to work extra hard to get movement back. Think about it, a little girl in my shoes, uninterested in basic therapy. Imagine her eyes light up knowing there’s something more for her—something enjoyable. I want to be the person who helps others regain hope.”

The excitement coursing through my body is livening. I haven’t had this much joy from anything in a long time.

“Babe, what if you change your mind? What happens when you lose the limelight? Or if your parents cut you off. Then what?” I love how Mini’s thinking about the what-if scenarios. She’s my voice of reason, however, this is my decision and something I need to do for myself. I let her know that it would be a blessing to have Mom off my back; Dad has always been absent in my life so that won’t change a thing.

Mini’s eyes light up like the brightest star, burning with energy. I’ve not seen her like this since I told her I was a backup dancer behind a lead performer in a music video.

“Eve? Are you thinking what I’m thinking?” Her enthusiastic tone leaves me in tears of laughter. She’s literally leaning over the table, as close to my face as she can possibly get. I forgot how amazing she is; I’ve missed her dearly.

“I’m sure you’re about to tell me, spill, you crazy human,” I encourage, not that she needs it.

“You could do all of what you just said, then you could go groveling to Mr. Hot and Dreamy and declare your love for him. O-oh yeah, girl, the media would eat that shit up alive!”