Page 23 of Gift of Hope

“Harvey,” I breathe, barely audible. We’re now eye to eye, our foreheads connecting us, bringing us closer together. “I love you-” Before I have a chance to voice, too, his lips are on mine. He’s letting his emotions speak loud through the thirst of our kiss. His hands are cupping the back of my head, his thumbs brushing the skin of my neck. I want more of a connection; I need more of him.

I push forward so our chests are pressed to one another, making my intentions clear. Reaching behind me, I undo the zipper as best as I can.

Sensing my struggle, Harvey pulls back and with slow precision, he glides the tab the rest of the way. The sudden release of pressure feels amazing. It’s as if I’ve been stuck in a prison and now, I’m free.

Harvey sits back, holding his hand out for me to take. Once I do, he helps me to my feet which allows my gown to fall to the floor, bunching around my feet.

I’m now standing in my bra and panties, vulnerable to him.

Our chemistry is building the longer we stand here. I want him to resume control. For once in my life letting go is refreshing. I’ve always had to be in control; discipline myself to get ahead in my career.

The moment he notices my thoughts, he undoes his own shirt, button by agonizing button. Next are his trousers, and my tongue glides over my lower lip before I pull it between my teeth. This man works out. His sun-kissed skin is defined by ridges of muscles. His abs and the V that dips below his underwear send a pleasant shiver down my spine. My lady parts are protesting at the slowness of his undressing, however, from the heated glint in his eyes, he’s moving slowly on purpose.

No one says a word. Our panting breaths are the only sounds besides the fire crackling in the living room.

With us both down to our minimal attire, it’s only a matter of time before one of us relents. I’m trying so very hard to stay put, though the more his eyes see through me the quicker I realize he knows what’s going to happen next. He knows what I’m thinking. He knows I’m going to make the next move, it’s what he wants. I may be slower at reading Harvey, but at least I can.

In the next instant, I’m closing the distance between us. Wrapping my arms around his neck, I pull myself up on tippy toes pressing my lips to his. He wraps his arms around my waist and lifts me up, moving us so we’re back on the cushions, then lowers me so my back is lying on the soft surface.

I’m overwhelmed by this man’s thoughtfulness. He’s extremely gentle, lying next to me so as to not put pressure on my recovering body.

For what feels like the longest time we search each other’s eyes for any signs of early regret.

I slowly become self-conscious now the adrenalin is wearing off. I’ve avoided my scars, let alone shown anyone else in an intimate setting like now.

“Your scars don’t define you, Eve. What defines you is what’s in here,” he leans in and gives me a soft kiss atop of my head, “here,” another tender kiss is placed on my chest over my heart, “and here.” The last is placed on my thigh. He starts peppering kisses along my body again, this time making his way up. “You’re extremely talented. You have a heart of gold; you care so much for those around you. You’re intelligent and sexy as hell.”

If I wasn’t currently speechless, I’d be expressing my own sentiment to Harvey, but my handsome man has caused me to become mute with his sweet and caring declaration.

Seeing as I can’t form a coherent word, I pour everything I can into reciprocating his affection with my own. I start roaming my hands over his body, touching the defined ridges of muscle, memorizing every inch of his rock-hard abs.

I press my lips to his shoulder, then his neck, and make my way toward his jawline where it meets his ear and bite down gently. Harvey hisses in response.

I become bolder and though I’m not normally this shy, for some reason this seems like more is on the line, and of course, there is—our hearts.

“I love when you do that, beautiful, but if I don’t have you in the next few minutes, I’m going to lose my mind.”

I continue my movements, slipping my hand beneath his boxer briefs. I’m rewarded when I do because what I find is not disappointing at all. In fact, it encourages me more.

“I need you inside me, Harvey.” I pant.

His hands move down my body until they unhook my bra and it comes loose falling down my arms. Next, he hooks his finger in my panties and before I can attempt to lift my weight, they’re ripped from me.

“That was hot,” I confess. “Your turn,” I say, while letting his impressive dick spring free.

I watch as Harvey reaches for his tux jacket, pulling his wallet free from the inside breast pocket.

“You’re well prepared, I see,” I joke to try and lighten the last of my nervousness. Not having been with anyone since I arrived at the FORT Center, I’m a little apprehensive given my circumstances.

“I’ll be gentle, Eve. I promise. Remember, you have full control here. I’ll stop if it becomes too much, okay.”

“Okay.” I’m more than willing to admit I’m scared out of my mind with the chance my injury will flare up, but I’ve made so much good progress I really need to get rid of that mind set.

Harvey watches me watch him as he covers himself. I find it hot when a man takes charge like this; especially this one.

Ever so slowly Harvey lowers himself on top of me, while lining himself at my entrance. The mixed emotions swirling in my head are enough to drive me crazy. Before I can overthink any more, Harvey’s sliding in me. I’m so sensitive, every nerve has come alight. The sensation of him sliding the tip in alone has me gasping for air.

“Are you doing okay, beautiful?”