“Don’t forget about the prez.”
Lara waves at me. “You too.” She leaves out and Snatch can’t hide the grin on his face.
Yeah, me and Fi got Dark Angels spreading their wings.
Chapter Eight: In Sync
“Corner pocket, purple bigs.”
“Na-uh. I got orange smalls in that pocket.” I grin letting my tongue hang out.
“Says who?
“Says me.” I lean back, carefully lining up my pool cue to pocket my last ball on the green felt table, but first I have to take a victory sip of my Jack and Coke. I leave the drugs alone these days, but still love the burn of spirits on the tongue.
“We’ll see. You know I let you win last time right?” I lick out my tongue again knowing Slash is trying to distract me. I squint – I always play way better when I’m drunk. I hit that ball so hard it bounces up off the table, but it still lands good hitting the orange ball narrowly past the purple, racing into the hole. I raise my hands in the air.
“Whoo hoo! I got one more. The black ball is all on its lonesome and it’s time for me to play ball.
“You are cute when you’re competitive.” Slash is standing near the top pocket with a relaxed grin on his face. It’s the first time in a long time I’ve seen him chill out minus the rage. It’s new for both of us.
“Don’t I know it. You won’t think I’m cute when I beat you in oh- say one minute.” I’mm a pretty good pool player, but the environment I learned is one I want to extinguish from my memory. In that dungeon cave of a dump when the captors let us have ‘free time’ from being sex slaves. I’m too happy to let the dark stain of the past ruin the game. My brow knits together and this time I don’t bend low. It’s a clear line to the right hand pocket. I slide it right in that sucker and high kick. “Oh yeah! You lose. What are you gonna give me huh?”
“Umm, I gotta think about it. A new bike? You don’t have one, and since we got this run going, and you’re Vice Prez my lady’s gonna need a bike.”
My eyes light up. “Really? You’re gonna buy me one?”
“I plan on bringing you a lot more in life Fi, and yeah I’ll teach you to ride too. It’s amazing how everything is slotting into place. I can take this club any which way I want to. The Sheriff is on board, we got all the runs set up for the week. The patrols are gonna turn a blind eye. We are lit baby!” I jump on Slash, taking him off guard. He stumbles back a little while I get busy crushing my lips against his. “Baby, baby what the hell. You crazy?”
“Yeah, for you. I love it. You’re gonna be the King of this whole thing. Lara’s just about got everyone in place for initiation ceremonies over at Savage Outlaws. She’s got a recruit day running. She didn’t think she would get that many turn out, but now she’s got to divide them into batches. She’s having a hard time culling the list. Can you believe that shit?”
“Everyone wants to be a bad boy.” Slash wiggles his eyebrows and he’s looking so damn hot in his cut off black t-shirt. It’s got the emblem on it and his sinewy, hard arms are on display for me to grope.
“Yeah, but you’re the OG.” I grab his package. Lucky our backs are to the crowd out in the main part of the clubhouse.
“Fi, if you keep doing that, I’m gonna have to respond,” he growls biting the top of my earlobe.
“Hehe. I’ll keep it clean for now.” I step back liquor on my lips. “Can you do me a favor?”
“Anything babe. What is it?”
“Can you make part of the club policy no exploitation of women?”
“Fuck no. I never liked that shit anyway. I got pissed with Snatch when he picked up Lara, but they worked out. I promise baby.”
“Okay good. I don’t wanna have to clamp your balls in a vice grip.” Slash pretends to grab his balls.
“Ouch. I need ‘em. I don’t want that, but you don’t have to worry. I see what you’re doing with the girls and you’re a good example for them. I’m proud of you.” Slash grabs me by the waist, bringing me close to his musky, masculine scent. It’s never a neutral effect on me. My pussy grips within itself as I think about being naked with Slash later. I put a hand on the beat of his heart, his hands cupping my ass.
“Thank you.” His eyes are glazing over into that liquid thing they do when he’s turned on. The flecks of his pupils extra prominent.
“While we’re on the topic of new recruits I’m going to have to do the same as Lara. We have to get more manpower in here. It’s too much workload to handle with the current crew. We’re gonna drown if we don’t get a club secretary in here to handle the paperwork.”
Slash adjusts me against his leg, his rigid cock poking into my thigh. He jerks me forward to feel him, and I gasp, getting wet. “You’re doing that out in the open on purpose,” I rasp.
“Giving my lady a preview of what’s in store a little later. Don’t work for you?”