Page 61 of Royal Surprise

Felicia made a funny face. “Why don’t you get a vape? Helped me quit.”

“I’m not a pussy.”

“Pussy move to deny the truth.”

“I guess I'll be getting a test on my new baby. We'll know if it's mine. If so, I might’ve put a bun in your oven, too. On the other hand, I googled it. Those vasectomies don't always take.”

“Sure. They’re only ninety-nine percent effective. At that time, when I started eating for two, I wasn’t with anyone else but Bubba and you. Honestly, I knew riding your flagpole would hurt him the most. Cheating bastard. And I ain’t dumb, I knew if anything happened, he wouldn’t be able to prove he wasn’t the dad. Jokes on me, I guess. He has the records to back up his vasectomy.”

“I was wondering if he could be lying. There’s no test to tell the difference between me and Bubba?”

“No, you two are exactly the same. Not only are you and your brother both pieces of shit, y’all are identical shit made of the same shitty genes. And I don't need either one of y’all to be in Johnny’s life, so you need to make a choice if you want to be in his or not. Sure. Wait until you have this other baby. But don't blame me when my kid grows up hating you. For now, I’m not telling Johnny any different. Either you be a good uncle or not. If you are, I’ll tell him the truth when he’s older. Right now, he’s processing his granddad’s death. He doesn’t need any more changes. Bubba’s going to have to be dad for now. Besides, he’s not getting out of paying child support.”

“Thought you didn’t need him.”

“I don’t, but he owes me for making me miserable all those years. He owes Johnny for pretending to be his dad when he knew otherwise. And you ought to be upset that your brother stole your kid from you.”

“Hell, if I got upset every time that man stole from my life. I wouldn’t expect anything less of him. I’m flattered, as always.”

“So, who’s the lucky lady? Bubba said she’s too young for you.”

“He’s jealous. He’s after Maddie Mae you know, trying to get with her. He always wants my sloppy seconds.”

She slapped my shoulder. “Really? He’s been trying to smack my salmon since I got here.”

I figured. That’s why I cock blocked him.

“Who’s the man with you?”

“Of no importance,” she said, answering my unspoken question.

He was someone she was fucking but not officially. Not a father figure to the boy.

“You coming in? We could make your brother jealous.” Felicia ran her finger down my leather as she bit her ruby lip.

She was coming on to me. It’d be easy to follow her inside and stuff her taco in one of my brother’s many bedrooms. We’d be so loud he’d hear us and walk in. Just like old times. Though I was tempted, I declined.

“Nah, got to get back. Club business.”

“You’ve never refused me before. This wife of yours must be special, but I don’t see a ring on your finger. Want to come inside and talk about it? I know a thing or two about a broken heart.”

Not taking her bait, I started my motorcycle.

“Let me know what you decide,” she shouted over the roar.

I rode away.

Chapter 23


Every night Sky came into Royal Road looking like pure sex, gorgeous as ever, and ignoring me. I wanted to take her back to the throne room and park my hog in her garage. Have her all over again, like the first night we met. Start over.

But I couldn't bring myself to do it. Not yet. Like Opry said, I was punishing her. And more than that, I was saving face. That made me feel like a coward. But I didn’t get to be President by looking weak. Here I couldn't have what I wanted because I had an image to uphold. It was a lose lose situation.

However, soon, if I wanted to, and I did, I could claim Sky again without anybody thinking less of me. All after I made her suffer a while longer. When the gossip about us died down. Because the more she came to the clubhouse and showed her ass, the longer I had to wait.

Even though, I didn't know if things would ever be the same between us again. I hadn't been with another woman in these last two weeks. Not counting Eve. That would forever stay a secret. Even so, I didn't know if going forward, I could be a one-woman man with Sky. Not because I was too tempted. It wasn’t that. I could control myself. I just didn't know if I could give myself to my Ol’ Lady like I had.