Page 57 of Royal Surprise

“Why not? Do you want to be Kingpin’s woman again or not?”

“I'm starting to ask myself that question.”

The truth was, I loved Kingpin but being rejected nightly hurt. I wanted nothing more than to run away. I wanted to go back home to the west coast and act like this never happened. If I couldn't have Kingpin, the Kingpin who loved me weeks ago, I didn't know if I wanted this life anymore. I was getting ready to have a baby. And there was no going back now. But did I want to have a baby with a man holding me hostage?

When it came to having a baby in California, it seemed all the problems with Kingpin and the Mob, if Ralph were to be the father of this child, would disappear. Why would anyone bother if I was so far away? Back on the west coast, I had family and friends who would help me out. I could chalk this whole mess up to getting a wild hair up my ass. And never look back.

Then I felt like my mother who got pregnant with me by some guy in college. I never even knew who. I still didn’t know. Thinking about how my mother acted like I was just some sort of mistake drove all this home. Giving up Kingpin and leaving for Fresno, would I be doing the same thing? I’d be deciding my time with him was just a mistake. But was it? I wasn't sure. I loved him to pieces. I married the biker. I was happy to be having a child with him. But him saying he wanted nothing to do with me changed all that.

Should I stay and fight for him like Leo said I should? I knew getting on stage naked would be pushing him too far. He was King around here like he’d said to me. I’d be embarrassing him in front of his subjects. Is that what it would take to get his attention? I decided this would be my very last try.

Back in the dressing room where all the sweet butts, strippers, dancers, the hangarounds and the whores, whatever they were called, gathered, I felt completely out of place. They all gossiped about me. Barring a few of them, they all seemed to hate me.

“Oh, how the queen has fallen,” one of them said.

I didn't even know her name.

Showing off their great tits and ass, painted faces and luxurious hair, they all looked the same.

“Leo, I don’t know about this. I don’t feel safe back here.”

“Come on. You’re with me. And who’s going to mess with you? That mark on you does more than scare the men away.”

Memphis was in the corner. “That's what she gets for betraying our President.”

“What do you even know about it?” Leo took up for me.

Memphis came over. She circled me. “This is a game you ain’t going to win, bitch?”

All the women in the back began circling us, a good two dozen of them. It was nothing but entertainment to them.

Put off by how right I’d been, I was speechless.

“You may’ve been able to trick Kingpin into marrying you with your mob child. But the Prez will be my man again before long. And you will be nothing but a bad memory.”

Leo spoke. “Is that a threat?”

I found my voice. “Are you who I have to thank for ruining my marriage? I should’ve known a whore who he wouldn't marry in twenty years would be jealous enough to want to ruin our true love.”

Memphis cackled. “Love? You’re not even old enough to know anything about that. Relationship? Your whole relationship is based on a lie of my creation. I told Kingpin to pretend to be in love with you. I knew it’d ruin his chances with your mother. Too bad the man doesn’t know his ass from a hole in the ground and was stupid enough to fall for you. It’s nothing but a midlife crisis. Both of you were liars. And once Kingpin figures out that baby’s not his, he will send you packing. I will snatch that crown off your pretty little head.”

And that's when I hauled back and punched her in the mouth.

Memphis grabbed me by my hair, twisting me around.

“Cat fight,” someone screamed.

I dug my nails into her shoulders.

She headbutted me.

Fuck it hurt.

I got all dizzy like when I started to black out. The room spun around me. I saw stars, the whole nine yards. Watching Memphis smile, I saw the blood appear in the corner of her mouth.

Good, at least I’d hit her hard.

Of course, it was the blood that did me in. I was very aware as I crumpled to the floor that I was passing out because of it. I feared for my life. What would happen to me once I was out? Knowing Leo had my back gave me some comfort. But it’d be her against a small army of Memphis’s loyal whores.