Page 56 of Royal Surprise

“What the fuck does this have to do with chips? Yeah, I’ll do what I want. You won't make a fool of me again. Do you hear me? You already broke my heart. Not gonna have you go around here, flaunting your pussy in front of other men when you're mine.”

“You do what you want, but I’m still yours?”

“I’m glad we’re on the same page.”

“What do you expect me to do, sit over at Pagan’s house all alone?”

“I don’t want to see you back on the dance floor. You could slip and fall, hurt my baby. Well, what might be my baby.”

Kingpin let go of me and walked away.

I thought he was going back to his throne, but he didn't. He joined the whores on stage and started taking off his cut and his shirt. He undid the zipper on his pants. The ladies all snaked around him, rubbing their pussies on him like cats in heat.

Oh, fuck him.

The expression on his face said that he intended to do anything he goddamn pleased. As much as I wanted to find a guy myself and make him jealous, I started feeling weak.

“Leo, I really think I need to go home and lay down.”

I hadn't eaten anything all day. I'd been crying my eyes out for two days. And yes, making Kingpin jealous had been exhilarating. But the fact was, I was pregnant, and I felt like shit most of the time anymore. And it stunk in here.

Leo took me home. But she didn't give up.

The next night when she had to work, she convinced me to try again. I went back to Royal Road alone. I spent the next two weeks making an appearance at night when the party was hopping to make Kingpin jealous. And every time, he had to tell me to go home. Every time, I got to talk to him. At least I could see he wasn't with anybody else those nights, even though I didn't know who he went home with.

Also, eventually, Eve was nowhere to be seen.

“Sky, I’m getting tired of this,” Kingpin said, putting his arms around me. Smelling rancid, he was drunk.

I could stand the odor if only to feel his leather against me.

“I’m not. I want you back.”

“Not going to happen. But we can go to my office for some fun.”

He slipped his hand up my shirt and squeezed my breast.

They were too tender. I pulled away.

“If you’re out here acting like a whore at least let me take you to my office and bend you over my desk like Ralph, did you.”


“No. Not until you put your ring back on.”

“That’s not going to ever happen,” Kingpin slurred out.

“Then I’m not going to be with you. I’ll find someone else to be with. Maybe I’ll go to Ralph.”

Kingpin walked off. He lifted his beer bottle to me. “Just try to leave. See what happens.”

The next night, Leo invited me to get on stage with her. “That'll really drive him crazy.”

“Kingpin would lose his shit if I came out in a thong. And nothing else.”

“Girl, I expected you to go out naked. Let that motherfucker see that anyone would be lucky to have you. Show off that K that he carved in your back.”

“I think that’s the problem. He thinks no one else will have anything to do with me. But I can't take it that far.”