Page 44 of Royal Surprise

The girl nodded her head. “Right. You’re right. You’re always right,” Eve lied.

Girl was learning.

My dick hard as a rock, I left as fast as I could.

Upstairs in the clubhouse, Riff stopped me.

“Kingpin? You're up early. Maybe we can get this over with.”

I’d made him VP, temporarily.

“What do you need?”

“You told me to round up some prospects, some prospects that have experience in construction.”

I gave him a long list of things to do. But seeing as Pagan never got a damned thing done, I didn't expect Riff to.

“Oh, yeah.”

“They're here. And I'm gonna need your approval.”

I followed Riff to the stage where the strippers usually spun on poles. About a dozen men stood in a line up, holding hard hats, mugs of coffee, and toolboxes. Some were in reflective vests. Looked like Riff kidnapped a road crew. He went down a list of their names, their skills, and abilities. Most importantly why they wanted to join the Royal Bastards MC.

“Y'all know you're going to be rebuilding our arena, right? Pro bono.”

“Yes Sir,” they all spouted off.

“The first rule of Royal Road is you don't call me Sir. I’ve had one hundred, maybe one thousand women who’ve gotten on their knees on this floor and called me Sir. You do not want to be in that position, boys. It’s Prez from here on out. Ya hear?

“Yes Prez,” they all said in unison.

I stood back, my arms crossed while Villain read over our code, the code of the Royal Bastards MC handed down from our mother chapter. Where were those fuckers now? New Orleans.

I didn't know if any of these men had what it took. If they would make it to the day that we beat them into the club. But for now, I appreciated the free labor. When he finished, the men swore their allegiance to me. Each one of them came and kissed my ring with our club’s logo on it.

I welcome them into purgatory.

As Villain led the men to the work site, Riff went on, “I've got some other business to discuss with you. Some of the prospects we've had for a while want to know when they're going to be patched.”

“You know, we only do one member at a time.”

“Yeah, well, you need to make a decision. It's been months since anyone's been patched. The other prospects are beginning to lose hope.”

“How long has it been?”

“Almost a year actually.”

“Has it been that long?”

I took the clipboard from Riff and searched down a long line of men, men from all over Nashville who swore their allegiance to me but hadn't been made members yet? More than their silly road names they hadn't earned yet, I looked at their abilities.

“Todd Hoover. Road name going to be Bull. Tell me about this guy. Why Bull?”

“Todd’s full of shit. Says he can do all this shit. Don't know if he's done a goddamn thing though.”

Riff wasn’t exactly being clear.

“You can’t tell?”