Page 40 of Royal Surprise

I sat in the club for the longest time, on my goddamned throne, speaking to no one. I drank my bourbon alone.

Before long, Goliath would let it slip to a brother, what we saw, my Ol’ Lady planning to betray me. She succeeded. The women folk probably already knew by the way they gossiped. I ran our whole relationship over and over in my head. It all made sense. Sky was putting on an act when we first met. Maybe not the first night when we had sex in the Throne Room, but when she lured me in. When she threw herself at me as I pursued Maddie Mae.

When one of the boys noticed me staring at the wall, he slipped me some Molly. I took the tiniest amount and saw colors other than red. Then I laughed at the bikers trying to pair up with the hookers. Everything about my troubles amused me. The fact I’d taken a swig of Ralph’s jizz, fucking pants splitting. Sky’s baby not mine, it served me right.

When the night ended, I roamed the halls upstairs at Royal Road, but all the rooms were taken. Everyone was getting laid but me. I ran into Memphis leaving a room.

“Kingpin, what’s going on? Did you finally talk to Junebug?”

Glaring at her, I said nothing.

“You did.” Her evil smile appeared.

She knew all this time and waited to let me find out. Just so it would hurt me worse.

“You can always join us. It’s just us girls tonight. No guys.”

“Y’all having a lesbian night or something?”

“No, just a girl’s sleepover. Slow night. A few of us need a break, but we’d make an exception for you. Especially with what just happened.”

“You know about it?”

“Word travels fast. Honey, you’re out there on your throne practically crying and then laughing like a maniac. You’re not wearing your ring. We figure.”

She leaned into me, running her hand over my package. Her touch was familiar, comforting but completely unwanted. Taking her shoulders, I pushed her away. She hit the wall.

Holding her shoulder, she complained.

I didn’t give a fuck if I hurt her. I wasn’t going to sleep with any whores tonight. I couldn’t stomach it after seeing Sky with Ralph. I was in pain. My heart had broken in two. The worst part was I’d been fooled. Me. I’d finally let myself love someone, someone other than Maddie Mae, but it was all a fucking lie.

But like I told Eve, the lie was better.

I wish I’d never learned the dreadful truth. My fucking gargantuan ego couldn’t take the fact Sky had ulterior motives when she first pursued me. Or that she fucked Ralph Getty right before she came on to me at his club. Even though that’d been smart, lying. She lied to me, the President of the Royal Bastards MC.

My dumbass ended up falling for her hook, line, and sinker, marrying her. I didn’t even wait. I married her so she wouldn’t leave me and go back to California. And boy, the knowledge that her baby had a much better chance of coming out a little mobster was the icing on her fucking cake of lies.

Obviously, the Molly had worn off.

I stumbled down the stairs to the basement. Place used to function as our sex dungeon when Sadist was alive. Boy, I missed that asshole. He’d have some broad lined up for me that would cream her panties if I cut my mark into her. That’s what I needed right now. Someone to cut my pain into as I fucked them. Still set up, the basement had been used by others. But also, privately by Sky and I lately. I’d turned the cameras off when we first started using it.

I’d have to sleep down here, so I decided not to think about those times with her. Hell, it’d only been a couple of months. That wasn’t much wasted time at all. I tried to cheer myself up thinking I had rashes that lasted longer than our relationship. I’d get over it. Over her. The anguish I felt would be temporary.

I was old enough to know that.

In the dark, I tried a room or two only to find them locked. Hopefully, I’d find a clean space. Really didn’t want to sleep in a wet patch. I came to the room I knew had a big four poster bed, not just a bench or a swing. I shook the handle. Fuck, it was locked too. Though I heard someone behind the door. Occupied.

To my complete surprise Eve opened it. Her mouth hung open at the sight of me. I hadn’t been crying again, being a man and all, but I’m sure all my unshed tears weighed on my sad expression.

“Kingpin, what are you doing down here?”

I didn’t talk about what happened with Sky.

“I heard about what that prick Hallow did to you, love.”

Honestly, I felt like killing him, but I wouldn’t say it, in the event I ever did.

Eve blew out a breath.