Page 31 of Royal Surprise

“You just got here, so how would you know? We all put out. We didn’t really think we had a choice,” Paisley clarified.

Memphis was still lurking and working at Royal Road but apparently, she’d given up keeping the sweetbutts in line. Therefore, there had been nothing but drama. The fact Kingpin ended up dealing with most of it made me think Memphis dropped the ball on purpose.

The Royal Bastards MC were a mean bunch, but I even found myself bonding with some of the men, like Cousin. The friendliest of the bunch, he was the one that I liked the most. We’d often play pool or battle on the arcade machines.

Yeah, a lot of the bikers were gorgeous, too. But they were just as mean as they were hot. Some of them were downright disgusting looking like Buzzard. But that was cruel. He was an old man. Much, much older than my Ol’ man.

There was always an excuse for my husband to leave now that he had me pinned down. Barefoot and pregnant if you will. I’d been doing nothing but basically waiting for him to come home. I knew enough about the club business to know that sometimes he might not come home in one piece. There would be a time he might not be okay. So, I tried not to be too mad while he was gone.

Oh, and they were rebuilding the arena, and no one could oversee it like he could.

And then, his brother finally came and shot his video at Royal Road. The Royal Bastards’ members all stayed out of the footage. At least I had Kingpin to myself those couple of nights.

As the month dragged on. I spent my days sleeping, my afternoons eating, and my evenings getting boned by my glorious, badass biker husband.

I hadn't spoken to my mom, of course. She’d called. She texted almost daily. But I couldn't bring myself to talk to her. Some days, I wanted to text back, but I knew she would never understand. It had been like we were fighting over the same man. Gross. But she didn't want me to be with him. She kept texting that Kingpin wasn't good enough for me, that I was settling. That I should just have an abortion and come home to Fresno. And believe me, I had thought about it when I thought he didn't want to have this baby with me. But that had been a knee jerk reaction. Now that I married him, I was so happy I didn't run away to California. Royal Road was where I was meant to be, and I loved Kingpin.

“Are you going to go with me?” I asked him.

I still hadn't been to the doctor.

Kingpin didn't like doctors, so it was easy to get away with, but I was getting a bit too far along to not go.

“I know I should. I may not want to. But I'll go,” he said.

“Well, maybe you shouldn't go to the first one.” I was getting dressed. My clothes felt tight, but they still fit. I wasn’t showing or anything.

“Who's going to drive you? You can't very well be on the back of my hog. I'll get Goliath. He'll take us in a cage.”

I knew that meant one of the many vehicles around here.

“So, you're going?” I asked to clarify.

“Yes, I'm going.”

“Okay then. Maybe you can stay outside.”

“What is this, love? Are you embarrassed of me?”


And no, but I didn't say that I didn't know what the doctor would think of me.

Here I was going on twenty-four. Kingpin in his mid-forties. Everyday my mom texted that our relationship was disgusting.

Kingpin might as well have stepped out of a heavy metal video. That wasn't an issue. Biker was hella gorgeous. It was just that Kingpin was also scary. The club was notoriously sketch. They were a bunch of outlaws a person wouldn’t want to mess with on a good day. On a bad one, someone might end up dead. I didn't know how to deal with that in a professional setting like a doctor's office.

Kingpin would be out of place. He didn't wear regular clothes. He wore leather, chains, jewelry, big metal rings, eyeliner, and black nail polish. That was on top of his tats and piercings. He had a can of Aquanet bigger than I've ever seen that he had to have gotten it in the eighties. And under his vest that displayed his colors proudly. He had huge guns. Not just his gorgeous muscular arms with black tattoos, he had literal guns of all shapes and sizes. Biker always had a knife or two hiding somewhere, too.

One day, he’d had a grenade.

“It’s just for looks,” he swore.

“Hey, I don't think you can take those into the hospital.” I told him as he strapped a bunch of weapons on his person.

This Women's Care was in a smaller building, but it was within the hospital’s system.

“Do you think I’ll have to turn in my weapons?” Kingpin asked all serious.