Page 29 of Royal Surprise

The bastard tried to hug me. I hit him. I hit him over and over until he had to hold my hands back.

“Eve, you could’ve told me.”

“I’m glad I didn’t marry a rapist.”

“You didn’t ever say you were pregnant. Was it even mine?”

“Fuck you, Hallow. I didn’t know until it was too late.”

Paisley came through the door.

“Leave,” I shouted at Hallow. “Paisley, help me. Call the fucking cops. Hallow’s here threatening me.”

“I’ll call Kingpin,” she said.

“No. I'm leaving,” Hallow said. “Eve. I can make this right. Forgive me.”

“Oh, I see you're back to being reasonable now that we have a witness.”

Paisley picked up the lamp and threw it at his back.

It shattered all around us.

“Get the fuck out of here,” she screamed. Suddenly she’d pulled a gun, seemingly out of her ass. “Get the fuck away from her. Or I will blow a hole in your dick.”

Hallow left.

Sitting surrounded by broken glass, I cried for the longest time.

Paisley rubbed my back.

“What happened, honey?”

In between crying my eyes out, I gave her the gist of it.

“Hallow and I fought. And he took advantage of me. He almost. I'll never forgive him. How could he do this to me?”

Paisley said, “Oh, honey. Just this morning you loved him to pieces. Wanted him to forgive you.”

“But I didn't threaten to rape him.”

“But did he?”

“Practically.” I was stunned Paisley had no sympathy for me even after having to threaten him with a deadly weapon.

“You were just fixin’ to marry the man. Kingpin just beat the shit out of him. And I heard Hallow was about to fuck two women tonight. Steph, that fuchsia haired bitch was here.”

“His ex?” That made things even worse.

“Ain’t you lucky that he came and was going to fuck you instead. He's a good guy, Hallow, not like the dangerous motherfuckers around here. Out of a bunch of very shitty bikers, he's one of the good ones. I just have a feeling about him.”

“Is this about you being a witch or something?”

“I'm not a witch, I'm a medium. You ought to come next time. And clear out some of this negative energy.”

Paisley was always inviting me to some cleansing shit. Maybe, I would go. I needed to clear my head and figure out what I was going to do.

“What am I going to do without Hallow? I guess I'm going to be staying here a little bit longer. Do you know if there are any empty rooms?”