Page 28 of Royal Surprise

“Because I didn't want to share my day. I wanted a special day. With you.”

“Well, you ruined that, didn't you?”

“Just like you're ruining us right now.”


“Yeah. Out there acting too big for your britches, getting your dick sucked. I guess I should go fuck somebody, too. What's good for the goose is good for the gander.”

“Over my dead body.”

“We will just see about that. You know, Hallow. I was so sorry and all I wanted was you to forgive me. I wanted that day to have never happened. I wanted to erase my mistake from all of existence. All I wanted was to make things right with you. I would’ve done anything to make it up to you.”

“Anything but tell me the goddamn truth. It’s funny, you’re the one keeping secrets, lying, and leaving me at our goddamn wedding, but you act like I’m the bad guy for being upset about it.”

“Upset is one thing, but you’ve chosen whores over me. It's too late now. I thought I knew you. I didn't think for one second that you’d go out right away and be with somebody else. So, I promise you I will be with somebody else. Mark my words.”

“The fuck you will.”

Hallow was on me like white on rice. Any other time, I loved to have this big man emerge over me. His mangled face grew dark, telling me he wasn't going to take no for an answer. There had been plenty of times that I’d been okay with that, too. Hallow had his kinks. He liked to play like the cop he used to be. He liked to tie me up, restrain me. He loved when I resisted his arrest. A struggle always aroused him.

But Lordalmighty, I’d be damned if he was going to rape me.

Chapter 11


I was madder than a sack full of wet cats.

No matter how much I loved him yesterday. No matter how many times I imagined him being with me forever, I couldn't get over the fact Hallow so easily went and got his dick wet. And had plans to do whomever and whatever he wanted. I couldn't get past it. And even worse, he was clawing at my clothes. His hot breath was on my chest. The smell of whisky flooded my nose. He reeked of it. And the blood on his swollen face stank, too.

This hurt and drunk, he’d fuck me against my will. And I knew if he did, I might not ever be able to forgive him no matter how drunk he was.

“Hallow, I swear. If you don't stop.”

My tears seemed to egg him on. He didn't say a word. He ripped through my nightgown and underwear with speed and resolve. He undid his jeans. Cock in one hand, he held me down with another. He knew just the right spot. In the months and months, we'd been together we’d sex a million times. Countless times. So, although the sensation was so familiar, usually so welcome, I got sick as snot when his cock touched me in the right spot. His hand wrapped around my throat as I started to scream. Putting all his weight on me, he clasped his hand over my open mouth.

I bit him, but he was too drunk to care. I couldn't believe what he was about to do. He removed his hand from my mouth.

“You going to tell me what you’re keeping from me?”

“Or what? Going to rape me?”

“I’ll fuck you whenever I want.” His hand seized my hip. “You’re mine. And don’t go thinking anyone else would have you. You wear my brand.” He spoke of my Property of Hallow tattoo. “I’d kill anyone who even tried.”

“Then kill Kingpin if you think I’m fucking him.”

“You know damn well I can’t do that. But you’re going to tell me the truth.”

It was as good a time as any. With Hallow on the verge of doing the unthinkable, it no longer even mattered.

“I miscarried, okay. The doctor said trying again might very well kill me.”

Hallow moved, taking his weight and his cock with him. I couldn’t believe I had to be thankful he hadn’t raped me.

Backing up on the bed, I covered myself.

Shaking all over, I said, “I can’t have kids, okay. That’s why I got cold feet. I didn’t know how to tell you.”