Page 54 of Royal Surprise

“My ass would be grass and they’d mow it.”

“Fuck, Leo. Just let me stay with you for a while.”

“You can’t stay here.”

“I mean your apartment.”

“Honestly, sis. I've been crashing in Opry’s room. I've given up my apartment. Well, that's a lie. I couldn't make the payment.”

“But you said you've been making plenty of money.”

“Shit’s expensive, sis. I had to buy some new clothes. Some leather so I could go riding with Opry.”

“That's beside the point. So, you're not gonna take me away from here?”

“Sorry, sis. My car got repossessed too.”

“Are you fucking serious?”

Leo stepped out on the porch. At least she thought enough to put her arms over her breasts, covering them up.

“Sky. I'm trying to make my way. I'm trying to become Opry's Ol’ Lady. I don't know if you've watched these men around here, but they sure as hell aren't looking for a woman who can take care of herself. What does Opry have to be proud of if he can't give me a place to stay. And let me sit on his bitch seat. I'm letting him rescue me. So shut up about my apartment or my car.”

“I thought you would at least help me out. I'm heartbroken here. I don't know what to do.” My tears flowed. “You're my family. And you're treating me this way?”

“Suck it up, Sky. From what you're telling me. You fucked up. We all heard what you did. Fuck, sis. Kingpin won't have anything to do with you, but he doesn't want you to leave Royal Road, so the way I see it, he still wants you. If he didn't, why would he want you to stay here?”

“Because this baby could be his.”

“Well, even better. Kingpin's not going anywhere. Not with you carrying his baby. You have all the power in this situation. Go on ahead and move out. Move out of the Big House. Where are you going to be moving anyway?”

“He's tossing Cece out. Making her go live with Pagan.”

“Well, that's even better. Says he wants to keep you close to him. You better get your head on straight, girl. What you need to do, what we will do, we will pack your shit from the Big House. We will get you set up in the neighboring place. And you're going to start acting like the gotdamn queen around here. You need to take your rightful place. You are Kingpin’s Ol’ Lady, and you need to start acting like it.”

“But he doesn't want me anymore. He said so himself.”

“We'll just see about that, sis.”

Leonora let go of her boobs and hugged me.

The next thing we knew. Pagan appeared on the porch, holding a cardboard box.

“What in the hell are you doing here?” Leo asked him, covering her nipples again.

“Looks like I'm moving in. Sky. Kingpin said to tell you you're moving into my house, not Cece’s. Sorry, but she’s gotten used to the place. Hope you understand.”

“Of course. I don’t want to have her house.”

Leo asked, “What about Riff? There are only two rooms in this house.”

“You know as well as I do Riff’s been staying over at my sister’s to see Penelope. Sorry, you won't have your fuck pad to yourself anymore.”

Pagan took his box inside.

“Hold on, sis.” Leo went through the house, hollering for Opry. She related the whole business to him in a high screeched voice.

Opry and Pagan started having words.