Page 25 of Royal Surprise

“Sky, you’re mine. You’re not leaving,” I growled. “We just got married.”

Sky spit in my face.

I put my hand over her mouth then tore the straps of her bra down. In one motion, I heaved the fabric away releasing her silky breasts that were tipped in metal. I’d pierced her nipples not long ago. We’d had a lot of fun, attaching her to the wall in the basement while I stuck my dick in her every orifice. Thinking of it turned my cock to stone in my pants.


She bit my hand.


“Get off me. I’m not having sex with you. Not after what I just saw.”

“The fuck you’re not.” I undid the button of her pants. Sliding my hand down them, I wiggled my fingers between her wet folds. “You’ve been pissed for days that I’ve not been here poundin’ this pussy. And now you say you’re not gonna give me what’s rightfully mine. Bullshit.”

“I can’t believe,” she started. The tears welling up told me it was about what she saw in my music room.

I cut her off. “Well, of course you can’t believe it. Whatever you think, it never happened. Now take off these pants.”

Sky didn’t move. She still resisted me, so I tore them off for her. My pants skidded away easily. I covered her body with mine, working her thighs apart with mine. I jutted my ready cock against her hot snatch. Holding her wrists above her head, my nose touched hers again.

“You wouldn’t,” she spat.

“Yes, I would. I’m the villain, remember. You married the bad guy. I’m going to fuck you. You’re mine.”

“But you were so sweet to Eve,” she whined.

“Because I don’t want to fuck her. I want to fuck you, not Eve.”

“You said she was the prettiest girl in Nashville.”

“I carved my mark into your back, not hers. I married you, no one else. You’re my bride. It’s our honeymoon, and I want inside you, now. Do you understand?”

Sky’s lips flattened.

“You want me, too. Admit it.” I rocked my hips but didn’t enter her. This girl loved it when I dominated her. “You can’t hide it. Your pussy’s slick as shit, begging for it.”

“Maybe.” Softening, she blinked.

Her lips curved into a sexy smile. Her eyes twinkled. The vixen enjoyed this. Damn, she was a bad girl, and I had a fucking problem. I relished the fight too much.

A maybe and a smile was enough for me to move my hips and thrust my dick forward. But I crept into her tight sleeve like a thief. Slowly, I filled her up, inch by throbbing inch, taking my sweet ass time. Loving the sensation of her soaking pussy widening for me, I took it painstakingly slow. My cock ring trailed along her slippery walls. She trembled beneath me, letting me know she appreciated the sensation as much as I did.

Her mouth fell open when I bottomed out with a jerk. Even then, my dick overflowed from her sex. With each stroke, I fought to finally bury my rod in her juicy cave. It was an impossible task, maddening, but satisfying to us both.

Sky’s moans answered my earlier question more clearly.

She wanted this.

Fighting the urge to kiss her, I kept her gaze. I wanted to watch her face twist in pleasure as my dick rammed in and out of her fleshy pit. There were no words, no I love yous exchanged. We weren’t making love like I promised we would.


I fucked Sky with wild abandonment to show her she was mine, finally consummating our marriage. With each stroke, I made that promise to her. To have and to hold. All the other bullshit. That we were man and wife.

Sky cried out, about seizing beneath me as she got off, hard.

That’d almost done it for me, but I’d not finished. The pressure had built, but I’d not released it. I held my orgasm in like a breath. My grip on her wrists tightened as I held her in place. My eyes bore into her. Her light eyes fluttered as she tried to recover. But I went on, fucking her at the same reckless pace, maybe harder.