Page 65 of Purity

“Say, ‘I’m yours forever.’”

“I’m yours forever!” This time, she shouts and moans as her body flails every which way.

“Yeah, that’s it. Come for me, baby.” When I increase my pace, she screams. She clenches around my cock in pulses, her eyelids falling nearly shut.

“Oh fuck, you’re so gorgeous,” I say.

Just as her body grows limp, I pull out of her and yank off the condom. “You’re going to take all of my come.”

I put my hand around my cock. After only one stroke, electricity shoots from my core and pulses through my veins. Fuck, this is the most unbearable pleasure of my life. Come spurts out of my cock onto her belly, and a dark possessiveness settles over me.

She’s mine.

My mind is blank for a few blissful moments. It’s just me and the soft angel in my arms. The voice of regret is so distant now, it’s hardly a mutter.

But as the seconds pass, and the post-orgasm bliss starts to fade, and the voice gets closer.

This was only her first time, and she has her whole life ahead of her.

She’s not really yours forever.



“Oh my goodness. That was wild.”

He smiles faintly.

“I’m so glad it was like that. Thank you for making my first time so special. Doing it like that was healing for me.”

“Of course, baby.”

He lies still with his eyes closed, looking thoroughly sated. I should just let him rest, but I can’t. Elation is making me bold, and I won’t let this opportunity pass.

“I think we’re good together. Our friendship means we have really good communication, and that leads to explosive sex.” My insides quiver, but I have to press forward.

It’s time to face my fears.

“I want more. I don’t want to go back to being just friends after this week.”

His eyes pop open. He opens his mouth and closes it. My stomach plummets, but I try to push away the ominous feeling taking over my body.

This is okay. He’s just surprised.


When he doesn’t say anything more, my head grows unsteady. Could I have misinterpreted everything? “I mean, maybe… Was it just me? Did I think it was really good sex because of my lack of experience?”

“No. God, no.” After reaching out and grabbing my hand, his gaze falls to the sticky wetness on my belly, and he smiles faintly. “I wouldn’t have done that if I hadn’t completely lost my head. You’re right. It was explosive sex. Let me get a towel so I can clean you up.”

When he stands up and disappears from the room, my chest constricts. Is this deflection? Is he trying to change the subject?

Boldness, Livvy. Boldness.

“Well, if it was spectacular for you too,” I call out, “then it’s probably only going to get better. Why would we stop in a week?”

The faucet shuts off, and he walks back into the bedroom. His grim expression makes a ball of ice form in the pit of my stomach. He kneels in front of the bed and presses a warm cloth against my skin, rubbing softly.