Page 58 of Purity

“And we were all, like, joking around and saying we would call him Daddy and stuff…” She chuckles nervously. “I’m sorry. I know this is really awkward, but I just want you to understand… We made bets about which one of us would get drunk enough to hit on him, and I was the one who finally did at the end of the night. And I mean, I was pretty buzzed, and I think your dad was really drunk—”

I lift a hand. “You don’t have to defend him.”

“No, no. Please let me finish.”

I close my mouth and take a deep breath, wishing I could burst out of my skin to escape this conversation.

“So I ended up going home with him, and we did have sex, but after we were done, he was super sad. Like, I’m pretty sure he almost started crying. He told me he was out getting drunk because it was the anniversary of the day his wife told him about her affair.”


She winces. “Oh shit, I’m sorry. I don’t mean to bring up family drama. I just wanted you to know that I’m pretty sure it was a one-time thing for him. He was really sad about his wife. I got the impression he really loves her and regretted what we did.”

My hands press against the table. I want to tell this woman to stop talking and go away before I lose my mind. “Sophia.” I try to keep my voice soft. “I don’t hold you responsible at all, even if you did approach him. The thing is, you have no clue what you’re talking about. It was not a one-time thing. He does this all the time, and whatever he told you about an affair was made up. He’s a liar.”

“Okay.” Her posture grows remote, as if she’s finally picking up on how unwelcome this conversation is. “I’m really sorry I interrupted you guys.”

She quickly leaves, and I look down at my phone, trying to focus myself before I break down and throw it. I flash the screen. 9:34. Where did the time go? God, I just need to be back in bed with Livvy. That’s the only real escape I can get right now.


Her sweet voice pulls me out of my head.

“I’m so sorry,” she says. “That was awful.”

“She didn’t tell me anything I didn’t already know.”

“No, that was traumatizing. I can’t even imagine having to hear stuff like that about my parents. I understand what she was trying to do, but oh my gosh, why did she have to go into so much detail?”

I nod slowly. God, I don’t think I’ve ever hated my dad more. How could he use my mom like that, pretending to be sad to get women to sleep with him? Isn’t it enough that she’s stood by his side all these years while he’s fucked other women, some of them in my mom’s own home?

I’m never getting married.


When I jerk up at the sound of her voice, her brows are drawn together, and her mouth is tight. Fuck, I must have mumbled that.

I clear my throat. “I just fucking hate my dad.”

She purses her lips as she nods. “Do you want to head home now?” Her voice is tight.


I get to take her home with me.

I get to keep her there for a while—the only person in the world who makes me feel safe and warm.

I’m never letting her go.

Oh God, these feelings are dangerous. I can’t have her this close forever. Ultimately it will drive her away.

I have to make the most of the short time we have.

“Yeah, let’s get of here.” I force a smile. “We have unfinished business.”

