Page 86 of Wild and Bright


Humans are resilient.

My heart is shattered, and yet here I just packed up an entire bedroom in less than an hour. And I didn’t cry once. Not even when I found the LED light Cam had apparently bought and set up in my usual video room. Or the Frozen Castle he bought Cadence.

I grit my teeth, willing the tension in my throat to go away. I can’t think about this now. I need to keep moving.

I thought we were going to have to move right back in to my parents’ house, which felt like a prison sentence. Not only would I have to deal with my mom’s I-told-you-so smugness over the demise of my relationship with Camden, but I’d also be a couple hundred feet away from his parents’ house. I’d be in danger of seeing him while I’m still fragile. I almost cried out of gratitude when Armaan offered us an alternative.

Together, we arranged a two-week vacation at his parents’ beach house in Corona Del Mar, where we’d do nothing but strategize a social media plan for his new company and take Cadence on beach picnics. It will be a nice distraction.

Just as I shove the last high heel into a black garbage bag, my phone rings. My skin prickles when I think of who might be calling. I’ve yet to hear from Cam.

When I see Ryder’s name, I lift the phone to my face, unsure if the slowing of my pulse is from relief or disappointment. “What’s up?”

“I’m around the corner.”

I release an exhausted sigh. “I’m not quite done, and I don’t want Cadence to see my empty room. Take her to my parents’ house, and I’ll pick her up later.”

He doesn’t say anything at first, and I hear the static murmur of road noise through his Bluetooth speaker. “Do you want me to beat him up?” he eventually asks.

I throw my head back, smiling to myself even as my lips quiver. “Tempting, but I’d rather he suffer emotionally.”

“And he will.” His voice is soft. “You’re one in a million, Lauren. If I could have married you—”

I grimace. “Honey, I’ve had a rough twenty-four hours. Please don’t make me feel sorry for you.”

He chuckles. “Alright. I’m already on my way to your parents’. Take all the time you need.”

* * *

My arms and legs feel leaden as I walk through the door of my parents’ house. My mom is curt and stiff when I greet her, but there’s nothing new about that. It’s not until I drop off the last garbage bag of clothes that I realize this is beyond her normal bitchiness.

“Where are you taking my granddaughter?” Her tone is full of accusation.

I roll my eyes before I turn around and face her. “What did Ryder tell you?”

She places both hands on her hips. “He told me you’re going out of town for the next several weeks. Several weeks, Lauren? How can you uproot her life like that? What kind of mother are you?”

The question makes me grow still, sending a surge of rage from my scalp to the tips of my fingers and toes, electrifying my whole body, clenching my hands into fists.

It almost feels good, like a high. Wow. This is it, I guess. I should have known it would all come back to Helen.

It surprisingly doesn’t take that much effort to speak calmly. “I’m not putting her in danger, so there’s no reason to lose your shit. I’m staying with a friend for a bit because I need some time to myself. Cadence will be fine.”

My explanation clearly doesn’t appease her. Her jaw clenches as she steps closer to me. “You’re probably whoring yourself with some new guy now that Cam doesn’t want you anymore.”

My jaw falls open. It’s by far the nastiest thing she’s ever said to me, and yet somehow, against all odds, I don’t feel like lashing out. I don’t feel the high that normally rushes through my veins. Instead, I pity her because I’m able to really look at her, and I don’t think I ever could before. I was too in my head. Too consumed by my own hurt. But I see those wide, darting eyes. She’s afraid.

I take a deep breath before speaking. “Mom, I need space from you. I’m leaving.”

“You will not take that little girl with you. I promise you, I’ll call CPS.”

The words don’t even hurt this time. They just sound…absurd. What does she think CPS will do? Take my daughter away from me because I plan to take her out of town for a few weeks?

“Don’t worry,” I say. “You’ll see her again soon. I love her, and although I have my faults, I’m not selfish enough to punish her because I’m mad at you. She loves you and Dad. She’d be sad if we were away too long. But I really do need this time away from you, and I need you to respect that. Cadence is coming with me because she’s my daughter, and that’s what’s best for her.”

Her jaw ticks. “I don’t know about that.”