I can’t live without it.
Elated at the change in her mood, I grab her by the shoulders and yank her in for a kiss. “Have you guys eaten? Let me make you dinner.”
Her eyes widen. “But you just got home, after traveling, too. I should be the one making you dinner.”
“I’m used to traveling, and it sounds like you had a rougher day than I did.” I turn to Cadence. “How do you feel about spaghetti? It was your mom’s favorite when she was little. She ate it three meals a day, and she used to pour Taco Bell hot sauce all over it.” I cringe dramatically.
Cadence grimaces. “I don’t like spaghetti. Or hot sauce.”
I smile as I turn back to Lauren, about to ask her what I should make instead, and I’m arrested by the look on her face. She looks utterly shocked. God, she’s probably wondering how the hell I remember her favorite food from over fifteen years ago.
She still doesn’t understand the full extent of my obsession.
“What else does she like?” I ask, surprised by my lack of embarrassment.
As if snapping out of her head, Lauren’s brows draw together. She waves a dismissive hand. “I’m not going to make you cook for two people. I’ll make her some Dino nuggets.”
“No.” I grab her shoulders and dig my fingers into the tense muscles at the base of her neck. “You’ve had a rough day. Why don’t you go take a bubble bath or something, and I’ll finish making the ice cream for Cadence?”
She looks almost bewildered. “Are you on something?”
“Am I that much of a dick that you can’t imagine I’d give you some time to yourself?”
“I never thought I’d hear the words ‘bubble bath’ come out of your mouth.”
I smile sheepishly. “Our bath is incredible. Have you used it yet? The jets feel like a massage.”
She gives me a strange look before assenting and walking away, leaving me alone with Cadence. It’s only after she disappears that it dawns on me that I called it our bath.
Because this is our home.
My trek down the long wooden staircase is slow, my body soft and limber from the hot water. It’s the most relaxed I’ve been in years, and goddamn it, why did it have to come right now? Why does he have to be so wonderful right after that awful conversation with my mom? Just when I think it can’t get any worse, I catch sight of him in the kitchen, and my whole body grows still.
Cam and Cadence sit side by side, each with a small action figure in their hands. A tall toy tower sits in front of them, one I’ve never seen before, and Cam’s look of earnest concentration in whatever they’re playing makes my throat grow tight.
When Cadence glances up, a wide-eyed smile spreads over her face. “Mommy, he got me the Iron Man headquarters!”
As I walk closer to the table, I recognize the toy. Cadence wanted it for her birthday this year, and it’s the only time I haven’t been able to give her exactly what she wanted, because even my parents weren’t willing to spot me five-hundred bucks for a plastic toy. I shoot wide eyes at Camden. “Where the hell did you get this?”
“I think Brayden found it on eBay. Cadence told me she wanted it.” He smiles at her, and that deep aching tug pulls at my heart once again. I wish I could shut my eyes and make it go away.
I don’t want to see this.
“Uncle Cam put it together for me, Mommy.” Cadence looks up at him. “My mommy always needs help from my papa because she’s not good at building things.”
Cam smiles. “Well, your mom is good at other things.”
“Yeah, she’s good at everything, like makeup and hair. I’m really good at makeup and hair, too.”
His smile lingers. “I’ll bet you are.” He tugs at the end of her fishtail braid. “I really like whatever you did here.”
“My mommy braided this, but I can braid my own hair, and I do my own eye shadow. Here!” She reaches out her hand. “We forgot to put the stickers on the tower. Let me do it.”
Cam smiles as he grabs the sheet of stickers.
“When my mommy builded my Barbie Dreamhouse, she spilled wine on it. It turned the stickers red.”