The vehemence in his tone would make me laugh under different circumstances. I’d never guess that stern, unselfconscious Cam is like every other guy, wanting to prove his sexual prowess.
“Okay,” I say sweetly. “Can you start by putting your mouth back on my goddamn clit? Because I was on the verge of having my first of ten when you stopped to have this delightful chat.”
And just like that, he snaps out of his dark mood. He lowers his head between my legs, and the next two minutes are electricity and fireworks. Before I know it, I’m screaming. When his face enters my clouded vision, I see that smug half smile typical of men who know they’ve given you a good orgasm. It tugs at me, because it’s so unexpected. He seems so much more human. Almost boyish.
He kisses me feverishly, rubbing his tongue hard against mine as if to remind me of his skill by making me taste myself. When he pulls away, he stares down at me, his expression almost tender. But then his expression grows hard again. He stands up and walks toward the bedside table. After opening the drawer, he pulls out a small square package. He puts on the condom and crawls back onto the bed, settling his body over mine and gripping my hips tightly. I gasp when his cock probes at the base of my pussy. “I’m going to fuck you now, because I’ll explode if I don’t come soon.” His jaw clenches. “But after that, you’re mine. Save your energy. Nine more orgasms, do you hear me?”
I can’t help but smile. “Cam, darling. There’s no need.”
His whole body grows still.
My brows draw together. “What?”
“Do you not like it when I call you darling? Is it too girlfriendy?”
His gaze shifts to my collarbone. “No, I like it.” The words are rapid and hushed.
God, he’s so much more tender and vulnerable than I ever expected.
When his cock pushes forward, and all thoughts of tenderness vanish. I gasp as he stretches and fills me. I’m so slippery after my orgasm that he’s able to sheath himself in one thrust. He releases a groan that I feel in my bones.
“Lauren.” His voice is breathless.
“I know.”
“I haven’t been able to stop thinking about this.”
“Me, neither.”
“I wish…”
He doesn’t finish his thought, and it makes me irrationally angry with him, because I can’t stand the hope that springs into my chest, making my whole body warm. I can’t start wishing for more from him when I know it will only lead to disappointment.
His next hard thrust pulls me out of my head, and I’m thankful for it. I’m still too sluggish from my orgasm to feel the full effect of his big cock pounding into me again and again, but, oh God, watching him is almost as good. His eyes are glazed, his dark brows drawn together as if in pain. As if the pleasure is too much. He grits his teeth. “Jesus Christ, I’m not going to last long.”
“That’s okay. I like you like this.” I shoot him a sleepy smile. “At my mercy, I mean.”
His eyes harden. “Enjoy it. It won’t be like this next time.”
“In that case…” I reach my hand under the comforter and run my fingers along his hard stomach. I reach his hips and trail my fingers inward. When I find what I’m looking for, I cup his balls, squeezing softly.
“No,” he shouts, his eyes frantic. “You’re going to make me come.”
And I’m going to enjoy it.
I bite my lip. “I know.”
When I massage the velvety skin, he grimaces, his body growing stiff. He’s struggling for control, trying to last as long as he can, which makes me want to be bad.
I raise my mouth to his ear. “Why don’t you finish in my mouth, baby?” I whisper. “I want to taste your come.”
He jerks away from me, his eyes wide. When I giggle, he glares at me. “Goddamn you!”
My smile widens. “Or you can come all over my face, and I’ll lick my lips.”
His thrusts become faster and harder, his grip on my hips tightening like a vice. “Goddamn your filthy mouth!”