Page 96 of Wild and Bright

My stomach flips when Armaan stands up and walks in the direction of the hallway. “Do you want me to tell him to fuck off?”

“Yes… No.” I swallow, my breathing growing unsteady. “Maybe see what he wants first, and then I’ll decide.”

Armaan nods, and I listen intently to his footsteps as he makes his way through the hallway. By the time I hear the front door open, my hands are trembling. The deep rumble of Cam’s voice sends a pleasant shiver down my spine, though I can’t quite make out what he’s saying. I’m about ready to leap from my seat when I’m startled by the sound of the door closing.

That’s it? He just came and left?

I don’t have time to process the question. Armaan appears again, and my eyes are drawn to a folded piece of paper in his hands. He smiles as he hands it to me.

“Man of few words. He asked me to give this to you, turned around, and walked away.” His smile grows. “Definitely got the feeling he wanted to beat my ass, though. I don’t think he likes that you and Cade are staying here.”

I hardly hear Armaan’s voice as I start to unfold the paper. My eagerness making me clumsy, it slips from my hands on my first try, but before I know it, it’s open in front of me. It’s the same lined notebook paper he uses when he writes music, and it’s tattered and worn, as if he’s been fiddling with it. My eyes run over the words, my breathing coming so rapidly, I feel almost faint.

Dear Lauren,

I trust you.

I tried to write a song about it, but in my genre, we tell stories, and no matter what pretty words I choose, recapping our history makes me sound like an unimaginable dick, and I want you to actually take me back. Plus, I’ve been too depressed to be creative since you and Cadence left.

Lauren, I trust you.

I trust you. I trust you. I trust you.

I’ll say it aloud as many times as it takes for you to believe it. I’ll say it every day if you want.

I didn’t understand until recently that trust needs to come from me. If I want you in my life, and I do more than anything, I need to have faith in you. I’m determined to have faith in you, no matter how much it scares me, because I can’t lose you.

I meant it when I said you’re my home, and it’s terrifying for a control freak like me to find something as wild and bright as you are, and realize that I need you, that without you, I’ll forever be adrift.

Oh, and here’s my list. Number one has been there for as long as I can remember, but I had to demote someone to add number two.

1. Lauren

2. Cadence

3. Hunter

4. Janie

5. Isaac

Love, Cam

I stare at the letter, barely able to see it anymore though my blurred vision. Before I turn into a sobbing mess, I jump from my seat and rush out of the kitchen.

“Go get him, love,” Armaan calls out, laughter in his voice.

I make it outside just as Camden starts his car ignition.

“Camden!” I shout.

His head whips in my direction, and even from all the way over here, I can see the fire in his eyes.

He doesn’t waste a moment. He throws open the door and practically leaps from the car. I shut my eyes as I wipe away a few more stray tears. When I feel the pressure of his hands on my shoulders, I glance up at his face, and it’s only now he’s close that I see how utterly exhausted he looks. His eyes are sunken and bloodshot, his coloring pale. Thank God, I hadn’t seen him before now. I would have given in.

“You read it?” he asks, his voice hoarse.

“Yes, and you’re full of shit. There’s absolutely no way I’ve been on your list for as long as you can remember. You’re an absolute fucking liar. You strategically wrote this letter to win me back, but I don’t even care. I love you too much to care.” I take a deep, unsteady breath.