“I’ll be back by then,” Cam says.
“No, you won’t,” Jeff says. “Janie’s going to kill me if I let you leave. I’m not letting you pull a Hunter.”
“Then I’m firing you.”
I wince, turning toward Cam. “I don’t want to get anyone in trouble.”
I plant myself firmly on the hard floor, but Cam continues to pull me, making my feet drag slightly. “No one’s in trouble. Jeff knows I’m not serious.”
I don’t lift my feet, and I nearly stumble as Cam yanks me forward. “Yeah, but he might be in trouble with other people.”
Cam groans. “He’s fine. We’re the headliners. We can do whatever the fuck we want, and he knows it.”
I yank my arm out of his grip, and when he whips around, a dark frown forms on his brow. “We need to hurry.” He finally seems to sense my distress, and his scowl softens. “Please hurry.”
“Can we do it later?”
He shakes his head sharply. “No.”
“What if you spanked me right now?” I grab the seam of my sweater dress and lift it to my mid-thigh.
“Right here?” he whisper-shouts, glancing down each direction in the hall. “What if someone walks by?”
“No one will care. You’re a rock star. And if someone does walk by… Well, I’d like that even more.”
His dark gaze bores into my face. “Would you really?”
“Yeah, honey, I told you already, I like all this kinky shit.”
He glances down the hall and back again. “Alright, lift your dress.”
My eyes must be saucers. I never expected him to agree. My belly flutters as I reach down and lift the hem of my dress over my thighs, exposing the leggings beneath.
“How hard can I spank you?” His tone is as gentle as I’ve ever heard it, and warmth stirs in my chest.
“Hard,” I say. “Spank me as hard as you want.”
“In that case…”
The sound echoes down the hall. It startles me into an upright position, and that’s when I finally feel the heat of pain on my skin. When I twist around and glance at his face, his cheeks are pink and his eyes are glazed.
He liked that.
“Holy shit, Cam.”
“Oh my God.” His tone is frantic. “I’m so sorry. Was that too hard?”
His pleading eyes send another wave of warmth over me. “No, it was fine.” I can’t keep myself from lowering my hand to my ass, which draws Cam’s attention.
“Oh my God,” he says. “You’re rubbing it. It was too hard.”
“Go on stage, baby.” I have a hard time keeping the laughter out of my voice. “I’ll be just fine.”
His jaw clenches. “You’re not fine. I hurt you.”
“Sweetheart, hurting me is part of it. Go perform. I’ll be just fine.”
The large notch at his throat rises and falls. “Are you sure?”