I smile to myself as I pull up the Google app and type “lingerie stores Portland” into the search bar.
* * *
Brayden doesn’t give me his usual bright smile when he greets me at the entrance of the concert arena.
I wince, wrapping my arms around myself to fight the chill from the misty wind. “Is he being terrible?”
“No, he’s fine, but we need to hurry. They’re about to go on stage, and I think he wants to see you first.”
I frown as I follow him through the long hallway and into the elevator. “He’s being a dick. I just know he is.”
Brayden only smiles awkwardly as he presses the button for the second floor. He wants this conversation to end.
“I’m sorry,” I say. “I know you’re not allowed to talk shit about him, but, oh my God, doesn’t it suck to work for such a control freak?”
He licks his lips, his eyes fixed on the linoleum floor. “I actually really love my job.”
I set my hand on his shoulder. “Honey, it’s okay. I’m going to fix him for you. By the end of tonight, he’ll learn that the only person he can control is himself.” I smile slowly. “And he won’t even be able to control that, because I’m going to drive him so crazy.”
Brayden chuckles, but I can’t help feeling that it’s forced. I’m definitely making him uncomfortable, so I decide to keep those three glasses of champagne in check and shut my mouth. When the elevator pings, he guides me through another long, winding hallway. Just as we approach a doorway to a large room, Cam’s scowling face appears in my vision. “It took you a fucking hour to get here. The airport is a fifteen-minute drive from here.”
His dark voice sends a jolt of heat into my belly. I smile slowly. “Well, hey there, darling.”
His scowl notably softens, but it doesn’t keep the hard edge out of his voice. “If you made your driver stop somewhere, I’ll fucking kill you. You did, huh? You probably forgot to pack something and made him stop at CVS on the way here. I know you.”
“I did make him stop, but not because I forgot something. There was this cute little boutique in the Pearl District, and I wanted to get an outfit for tonight.”
His lips part. “Are you fucking kidding me?” He says “fucking” with such angry emphasis that it takes all of my willpower to keep my laughter from bubbling out of my chest.
“No, and you’re going to love it.” I lift up the plastic bag in my hand. “Do you want me to show it to you?”
His nostrils flaring, he stares at me for a beat before speaking. “Why were you in the Pearl District? It’s not even on the way here.”
“If I’m being totally honest—” my lips twinge at the edges, “—I actually looked up this boutique beforehand.”
His jaw ticks. “I told you we were going on in an hour.” His voice is hushed and menacing, sending a tickling heat into my belly.
“I know, but…” I bite my bottom lip. “The dress I had picked out for tonight just wasn’t right, and I really want to impress your friends.”
“My friends won’t give a shit…” He exhales a shaky breath through his nostrils. “I’m wound up right now. I wanted to spend time with you before we went on stage. I can’t believe you went shopping. It’s…” His eyes narrow. “It’s so fucking like you to do something like this.”
I put a hand on his shoulder and give it a squeeze. “Do you want to spank me?”
“Then do it.”
His eyes pop open. “Right now?”
“Sure.” I glance down the hallway. “There’s a room somewhere, right?”
I’m startled when he grabs me by the forearm. “Jeff,” he calls out to the band manager, who happens to be walking in our direction. “Tell everyone I’ll be right back.”
Jeff scowls. “Fuck no. You’re going on in five minutes.”
Though Jeff’s tone is commanding, I sense his fear, and it sends a wave of apprehension over me.
I’m getting people in trouble by doing this.