“So that’s how it is, huh? Paying my student loans means you get to order me around all the time?”
“No. Fuck. I really didn’t mean that.” I lift both hands to my head and run my fingers through my hair. “I need to get out of here before I say anything more.”
She lifts one brow. “As soon as I hear from my mom, I’ll report back to you, Master.”
The word goes straight to my dick.
I shouldn’t be turned on right now. Not when she said it with so much disdain. But God, how I would love it if she called me that under different circumstances. Like tonight. When she makes her way into my bedroom like she has for the last two.
“I’ll probably stop at the Thai place across the street from our studio,” I say to change the subject. “Can you tell me if you’re going to be home and what you want?” When her expression doesn’t soften, I lower my voice. “I’m asking you. Not ordering you to do it.”
She looks like she wants to say something snarky but thinks better of it. “I’ll text you.”
I nod.
“Just get the fuck out of here. I’m about to strangle you.” She smiles faintly. “And if you’re dead, you won’t be able to pay off my student loans. You’ll be useless to me.”
I force a small smile, hating the idea that she only wants me for my money, but knowing I deserve much worse. In an effort to smooth things over, I give her a kiss on the cheek before leaving.
A tall form hovers in the doorway, but I continue with my task. If he wants my attention, he’ll have to beg for it. I don’t care how much he’s paying me. It doesn’t give him the right to dictate my every move.
He got home from his studio hours ago, and when he invited me to eat dinner with him, I lied and told him I wasn’t hungry. I could see he wanted to ask if it was because I went out, but he knew he’d lost that right after our argument. And I refuse to give him the satisfaction of telling him I didn’t go.
I’ve been ignoring him by pumping out videos in the most secluded room I could find in this giant house. Even now that it’s dark out and the overhead lights make my skin look orange, I haven’t stopped working, because I refuse to be anywhere near him until he apologizes. Without seeing his face, I know he’s irritated. I feel it vibrating in the air between us.
It’s satisfying.
“What are you working on?”
There’s not much to the question, but I hear diffidence in his voice, which is unusual for him. He’s sorry even though he doesn’t want to say it.
It’s not enough.
“Unboxing videos,” I say without looking his way. “As you can see.” I gesture at the array of open cardboard boxes on the floor.
“Those are my favorite. Of your videos, I mean.”
I jerk my head in his direction. “What now?”
He stares at me for a moment before lowering his gaze to the wood floor. “Yeah, I watch your videos a lot.”
“You watch my videos? Why on earth would you do that?”
He doesn’t answer for a moment. “I don’t know, Lauren.” There’s a touch of sarcasm in his tone. “Probably for the same reason I’m paying you over two-hundred thousand dollars to live with me for six months.”
The words tug at me. Cam is so rarely vulnerable that it’s hard not to be touched, even when I’m angry with him. “Yeah, but my videos are essentially advertisements. It’s hard for me to understand why anyone watches them, even people who like makeup and skincare. Even I think they’re boring, and I’m one of the vainest people in the world.”
That familiar, affectionate smile forms on his lips, and when he lifts his eyes to meet mine, I have to look away to shield myself from it. I plop down on the small couch and grab a box from the floor. After setting it on my lap, I pretend to sort through it.
“I love watching them,” he says. “You’re so sincere. It makes me feel like I’m hanging out with you. You definitely don’t seem like you’re advertising something, which goes to show how skilled you are at what you do.”
My stomach flutters, and my pulse starts to pound. I take a deep breath, trying to calm myself. I know I’m good at what I do. I don’t need him to tell me.
“Do you mind if I watch you?”