“We should head to the library. We don’t want to keep Prince Barrett waiting. But I need to check my hair if you don’t mind?”
Jules moved aside so she could come in. Charlotte approached her full-length mirror and checked her hair for any flyaways. She smoothed her salmon-colored sheath dress before heading for the door. Jules paused to look at herself in the mirror, taking in her black hair in a plain updo and her charcoal gray pantsuit. She couldn’t have looked any more ordinary next to Charlotte.
The two women made their way to the library. Jules took in all her surroundings as they walked. Even though she had seen it on the tour, she was still in awe of the grandeur of the palace.
Barrett called them to the back of the room near a large window once they arrived. Jules took an extra moment soaking in the library. She would never get tired of the view of rows upon rows of shelves filled with magnificent tales and history.
Jules arrived at the table and sat next to Charlotte, facing the large windows that overlooked the palace gardens.The perfect distraction to look at something else that is beautiful besides Barrett’s face.
“Here are the plans I have thus far,” Barrett announced from the other side of the table, as he passed packets of paper across the table to both her and Charlotte. From what she knew of him, she hadn’t expected anything less. He came across as the kind of person who was very prepared and organized.
“The first thing that we need to tackle is setting up the spaces in the school to be more conducive to a better learning environment,” Barrett said, flipping to page two in the packet.
Both girls turned to the same page, reviewing the material. Prince Barrett had drawn up a detailed plan for the school renovations. It included everything from architectural plans to technological updates to ideas for new interior and exterior finishes.
“I like what you’ve done with the layout. The different rooms flow nicely. I also like how you have a different hallway for each grade. Keeping the students in the same grade together will help create a nice sense of camaraderie,” Charlotte said.
“Great, I’m glad you think so. We have to keep in mind that school is back in session. Some changes can be made during the school day if they won’t interfere with the classrooms or be too noisy. However, the majority of the work will be done in the evening or on the weekends.”
Both women nodded along as he continued.
“What do you think about the technology upgrade ideas on page four?”
“I love the idea of classroom iPads for students to use for different learning objectives. And obviously updating the projectors is a must.” Charlotte let out a light laugh.
“If I may interject, it may be good to have some assistive technology such as audio recorders, speech-to-text software, and special keyboards. A lot of students are presenting with more needs from my experience in schools,” Jules added.
“What an excellent point.” Barrett smiled at her. “Do you have any other ideas?”
“Loads of them.” Jules smirked. She and Barrett proceeded to discuss all the things she had come to know over the past few years tutoring students.
Jules peeked over at Charlotte, realizing she hadn’t spoken in a while. Barrett’s gaze followed hers and his eyes flickered with the same understanding.
“Do you like that idea, Charlotte?” Barrett inquired.
Charlotte didn’t respond, staring intently out the window with her mouth slightly agape. Jules followed where her eyes were looking to see a very shirtless—and very chiseled—Liam outside running through the palace gardens. She nudged Charlotte’s leg with her knee to bring her attention back to the discussion at hand.
“Charlotte, did you hear me? Are you okay?” Barrett asked, starting to look over his shoulder.
“Oh, it was nothing, she’s fine.” Jules smiled coolly, drawing Barrett’s attention to her before he could look outside the window.
“If you’re sure.” Barrett shook his head slightly. “Well, I think that is enough for today. Thank you both for your ideas and support in this.” He began to stand.
“Thank you,” Charlotte whispered in a shaky, high-pitched voice. Her cheeks turned bright pink as she scurried from the room, yelling a quick goodbye over her shoulder. Jules rose to follow after her when Barrett approached her.
“I have something for you that I think you might like.” He reached into his bag and held out a book.
She accepted it and read the cover.Wistonian Schools. Where Do We Go from Here?She smiled up at Barrett. “This will be great in helping me learn more about Wistonia’s education system. Thank you so much, Your Highness.”
“My pleasure.” He smiled at her in return, holding her gaze for a little bit too long and causing her stomach to fill with a million butterflies.
She averted her eyes and excused herself. After making her way back to her room, she threw the book Barrett had given her onto her bed. When it landed, Jules noticed a piece of parchment was sticking out of the side. Jules quickly opened it and gasped when she realized it was a note from Barrett.
Dear Embarrassed Jules,
It is I who should be embarrassed about our meeting. I might not have frightened you at the school had I not been dressed in such a suspicious manner. I don’t know how I expected you to recognize me at the palace, but I am glad all of that is squared away now. If you hadn’t noticed, I tend to say extremely outlandish things in front of women. So, I am the last person you need to apologize to for letting something silly slip from your lips.
This woodsy scent … is that a bad thing? Please let me know. I would never want to repulse a lady. I love spending my free time out in the palace gardens, so that is likely where the outdoorsy smell is coming from in addition to my cologne.