Page 15 of A Royal Obligation

It was even larger than Charlotte’s family estate. That shouldn’t surprise her since a king lived here and Charlotte’s father was only a duke. But she still couldn’t seem to fathom that people actually lived in places this big.

The palace was built atop a grassy hill with a mountainous backdrop behind it. The exterior was composed of white bricks and had uniform windows lining each of its three stories and a turret on each corner. The whole feel of the place made her think of Cinderella’s castle. It truly looked like it was something out of a fairytale.

She took a deep breath to calm the nerves that started to set in. All she needed to do was make it through the introductions without making a fool out of herself and she would be fine.

Chapter Seven


Barrettstaredathisreflection in the mirror.You’ve got this. You’re an awesome guy. You’re a crown prince. Just be yourself. She’ll love you… or at least like you. Be cool, man.He shot finger guns at himself in the mirror.Ugh, who am I kidding? I don’t have this.

“Your Highness.” Wadsworth walked into Barrett’s room after a light knock on the door. “Lady Charlotte is about to arrive. I got word that her car was pulling into the drive.”

Barrett gulped. “I’ll be right down.” Wadsworth left the room and Barrett took one more steadying breath. He couldn’t help but think of the beautiful woman from the school as he headed down to the palace’s entrance. He knew he shouldn’t be thinking about her as he was about to welcome the woman he would likely marry to his home. Yet, she had constantly been in his thoughts since they met yesterday. He could only hope that Charlotte would one day make him feel the way that woman had.

He took his place next to his father after stepping outside. All the wait staff stood behind them in a line to welcome their new guests. Liam was noticeably late.

Barrett ran his palms along his black trousers and set his hand on his stomach, trying to settle the anxiety coursing through him. As a footman was about to open the door to the white Mercedes sedan, Liam jogged toward them and took his place beside Barrett, not bothering to smooth his unruly hair or tighten his tie.

“You’re late per usual. Do you care about anyone aside from yourself? The world doesn’t revolve around you.” Barrett muttered under his breath to his brother.

“I showed up, didn’t I?” Liam winked at him.

The footman opened the car door as soon as it came to a complete stop and extended his hand to the first passenger. Lady Charlotte gracefully rose from the car with the poise of a royal.

It was obvious she was already meeting some of the qualities from his list.Woman of royal standing, poised, and proper. Check, check, and check.

She nodded her thanks to the footman and gave a closed-lip smile to King Henry, Prince Barrett, and Prince Liam as she walked toward them.

“She’s sure grown up to be fine. If you know what I mean.” Liam wiggled his eyebrows.

Barrett rolled his eyes and pursed his lips. He clenched his fists, trying to release his rising annoyance in a way other than through a retort.

He couldn’t deny that Charlotte had matured into a beautiful young woman. She had always been the perfect image of prim and proper when they were children, and she still held that same air about her now. Although she had never been anything but kind, he had found her somewhat unapproachable when they were younger. He now could admit that he had simply been intimidated by her beauty and the confident way she held herself.

He had always been the reserved prince that didn’t know how to talk with women, while she expertly made her way around the room easily conversing with everyone in her path. His once jealous feelings had turned into feelings of admiration over the years. With all the qualities she innately possessed, she truly would be a wonderful queen.

Charlotte dipped into a low curtsy before the king. “Thank you very much for having me, Your Majesty. It’s an honor to be invited to your home.”

She stepped in front of Prince Barrett. “Your Highness.” She dipped into the same curtsy she gave his father.

Barrett smiled through his nerves and then cupped her extended hand. He kissed the back of her knuckles. “Welcome to the palace, Lady Charlotte. I hope to tour you soon.”

Her eyes widened in shock.

“Real smooth.” Liam laughed, earning a look of disapproval from their father.

“Er—That came out wrong. I hope to join you for a tour of the palace soon.” He shook his head and ran his hand along the stubble of his chin.How much more embarrassing could this moment get?Charlotte said hello to Liam who said something suave to her while Barrett’s attention was stolen by the footman helping another person out of the car.

His jaw dropped as he looked at the woman. The woman with the same petite frame and bright smile that he had seen yesterday.

How is it that out of the billions of women in the world, Charlotte’s assistant is my mystery girl?

His stomach felt like it was filled with gravel as his shock turned to worry.Will she tell Lady Charlotte that we know each other? Will all of this be over before it’s even started?

She got out of the car a little less gracefully than Charlotte, but she held herself confidently.

“Your Majesty.” She curtsied. “I am Jules Smith. Thank you so much for allowing me the opportunity to stay here.”