Barrett could admit that she was beautiful, but he was distracted by his thoughts about Jules and wondering which dress she decided to wear. He looked back up at Charlotte to realize she was waiting for him at the bottom of the stairs already, so he hurried over to greet her.
“Do you like my dress?” she asked.
“It’s every bit as classy as you are,” he complimented her. She thanked him, and he led her over to his father and brother. They all exchanged their hellos and brief compliments.
A large number of gasps and murmurs filled the ballroom, and Barrett saw guests pointing to the top of the stairs. His eyes followed the pointed fingers and his heart fluttered when he saw Jules standing there looking every bit as regal as his mother had looked in that dress.
He had asked the staff to not tell Jules the dress had been his mother’s because he knew she wouldn’t wear it then. His mom had worn this particular dress to the last ball she attended. It was her most popular look and the one that had been spread all over the media with the news of her passing. Barrett glanced around the room and saw many attendees wiping their eyes as they looked up at Jules in awe.
“Presenting Miss Juliette Smith.”
Liam leaned over to Barrett. “Is that Mom’s dress? Why on earth is she wearing that?” His questions came out in a throaty growl.
“It was one of the options I gave to her,” Barrett said matter-of-factly.
“That wasn’t yours to give. It should never have been an option,” Liam hissed as his brows furrowed.
Barrett hardly heard his brother’s comment because his focus was completely on Jules. It took everything in Barrett to stay by his father, Liam, and Charlotte rather than running to her. She walked down the stairs, stumbling a bit and blushing. She was so beautiful, but she didn’t even seem to know how she had drawn the eyes of the entire room simply by setting foot in it. She was a complete vision in the red dress. Her hair was in a simple updo, and she walked shyly like she didn’t want to attract any attention, but his attention was all hers right now.
I am in deep, deep trouble with this one.
Jules made her way over to the royal family and curtsied. The king approached her first.
“If you were wearing a tiara, you would be the spitting image of Margaret.” King Henry said, his eyes turning glassy. A deep cough wracked through his chest, causing him to pause. He wiped his mouth with a handkerchief once it had subsided.
“That is a very high compliment. Thank you, Your Majesty.” She curtsied to him again, and he left to greet other guests.
“Seriously? Does no one even care that she’s wearing Mom’s dress? This is ridiculous.” Liam spouted, stomping off into the crowd of people around them.
Charlotte gave Jules and Barrett a small smile before heading over to greet some guests from Findorra, leaving them alone.
“This was the queen’s dress?” Jules’s eyes widened and found Barrett’s, searching for an answer.
“Yes, I asked the ladies helping you to not tell you. The dresses have been stored for so long; it was time one of her dresses graced this dance floor again.”
“I— I can’t wear something she wore,” she stuttered, running her hands down the front of the gown. “I don’t deserve to wear something this valuable. Charlotte should be the one wearing it.”
“You look wonderful. Almost like that dress was made for you. It is an honor to have you wear it.” He smiled brightly at her.
She rolled back her shoulders, appearing like she was attempting to stand more confidently.
“I guess it’s too late for me to change now that everyone has seen me.” Her eyes darted around the room. “If you’ll excuse me, I’m going to get a refreshment.” She curtsied and scurried toward the drink station.
Barrett felt his nerves return as the first song began to play. He approached Lady Charlotte, offering her his hand.
“The first dance, my lady?” She nodded politely and allowed him to lead her onto the dance floor. They stopped in the center of the room. Barrett took one of her hands in his and set the other on her mid-back. Her left hand landed gently on his shoulder as the music began.
He tried to tune out the thought that everyone in the room was staring at them as they glided across the floor to a slow waltz. He wished he felt romance in the air between them during this romantic dance, yet there was something missing. Barrett’s eyes remained on the scene around them during the dance. He briefly saw Liam who still looked irritated. But it almost looked like a sadness was in his eyes as well. When he searched for his brother after the next turn, Liam had disappeared into the crowd.
They completed the dance without a word to each other, both maintaining a pleasant countenance. As the dance came to its end, Barrett bowed and Charlotte curtsied as the guests clapped. When the next song began, couples flooded onto the dance floor.
Barrett took this as his cue to escape to the side and grab a pastry. As he was about to make his sweet escape, his attention was pulled the other way to the corrupt Lord Howard escorting—more like dragging—Jules onto the dance floor. A fire roared from within him at the sight, and his insides turned.
He can’t dance with her!Barrett couldn’t think of a good reason why right now, but he just couldn’t.
He raced back to the dance floor, leaving the precious pastries behind. He extended a hand to Charlotte who was chatting with a couple. She graciously left the conversation and joined Barrett for the second dance. He pulled her to a spot that was close to where Lord Howard and Jules were dancing so he could keep an eye on that snake.
“I have never seen you out on the dance floor so much. Not that I’m complaining,” Charlotte said as they found the groove of the new melody that played.