Page 16 of A Royal Obligation

The king politely acknowledged her.

Barrett’s breath hitched as she approached him. He pressed his lips together to avoid saying anything stupid. She dipped into another low curtsy as she greeted him.

“Ms. Smith, it is an honor to meet you.” He took another sharp breath when she extended her gloved hand to him. His lips grazed the back of her knuckles and tingles went up his arm as he looked into the eyes of his mystery girl. He searched her face but found no glint of recognition in her beautiful eyes.

Phew. I guess I do a better job of blending in than I thought.

His hand felt cold and empty as she pulled hers away and introduced herself to Liam.

“You’re Liam, right?” she asked.

“That’s ‘Your Highness’ to you.” Liam huffed. Barrett elbowed him and shot him a look.

She blushed, dropping into another curtsy. “My apologies, Your Highness.” She scurried over to where Charlotte was standing faster than Barrett thought a girl in heels could move.

After the introductions to the palace staff had been made, Barrett walked over to Jules and Charlotte.

“Apparently, our head maid had something come up. She has arranged to give a tour to you later this weekend.” Barrett said. He attempted to go back inside, urgent to get out of there. He didn’t know how to converse with women, and he had already made one blunder today. No need to have the opportunity to make more.

Liam stopped him, placing his hand on Barrett’s shoulder.

“You can’t expect them to wander around all day today without knowing where they’re going.” He gave him a sly grin. “Why, I have the most brilliant idea. Why don’t you give them the tour?”

Liam turned to leave, but Charlotte spoke up.

“Prince Liam, would you like to join us as well? It’s been a while since I’ve spent time with you both. I would love the opportunity to catch up.” She smiled at him sweetly.

Liam smirked, a playful glint shined in his blue eyes. “I wouldn’t miss it.”

Barrett guided Charlotte through the palace with Liam and Jules trailing closely behind. He took them around the whole first floor. They arrived first at the formal dining room.

“This space is a bit more extravagant than our family dining room. We will be taking our meals there rather than in here to have a more comfortable setting. But, as you can see, this room can host upwards of a hundred people for dinner.”

The table spanned the whole length of the room and its legs had an elaborate, winding design. Liam let out a loud, exaggerated yawn.

“Did you have something you wanted to add?” Barrett asked.

“No. I’m wondering if you’re really going to take them through the history of every single room. If so, I might need to learn how to sleep standing up.”

Charlotte looked like she was stifling a grin.

“Okay, I get it. I’ll speed it up.”

He showed them the men and women’s sitting rooms since they would likely spend a decent amount of time in the women’s room during their stay. Both rooms had a plethora of cozy and inviting couches and chairs along with some uniquely shaped tables. A grand piano sat in the corner of each room.

“I know this room is often used more casually, but it really seems like even the simplest of rooms is grand in a palace,” Jules said as her eyes roamed the women’s sitting room.

“It does seem a bit extravagant to drink tea and hang out in, doesn’t it?” Barrett asked with a shrug as they left the room.

He took them to the portrait room, which was exactly what it sounded like. A room filled with portraits of each of the royal families from the beginning of the monarchy. The portraits were nearly floor to ceiling in length. He smiled as both Charlotte and Jules looked around in the room in awe. It wasn’t the most spectacular room at the palace, but he loved it. It was surreal to be able to see so much history in one space. To see all that had changed over time as well as the things that have remained the same.

“Come now, ladies, I will show you one of my favorite rooms,” Liam called out. He offered both Charlotte and Jules an arm and led them from the room.

They walked up to the second floor and Barrett knew exactly where his brother was headed when they walked down a hallway to a set of large double doors formed in the shape of an arch.

“Voila,” he said as he opened the two doors to reveal the grand ballroom. This was the entrance that royal families and dignified guests entered through. They walked to the top of the grand staircase. The marble stairs led down to the main ballroom on the first floor.

Barrett always found the ballroom a bit excessive when there was not an event going on there. For how few balls they threw, it seemed like a waste of space to him.