“This is exactly what I mean.” Releasing my wrists, he smooths down my skirt. “You have no fucking clue how this works. Not the mafia, not sex. You’re a total fucking innocent.”
“Stop using that against me! I may have been young when they died, but Idoremember my parents, remember how much they loved each other—more than they ever loved me.” I swallow back tears. “And I remember what that looked like. They were open—honest.”
“And look where that got them, princess. Six feet under.”
I stiffen, his words hitting harder than if he’d punched me. I’m still reeling from them when he continues.
“I met your mother. A few times. The old bastards were hoping to form an alliance before she blew their plans to hell.” His lip curls in a cruel smile. “Don’t take this the wrong way, honey, but she wasn’t my type.”
Feeling sick, I stand. “Why are you telling me this?”
Not answering, he rises from the chair. Lost, I stare at his back as he walks over to the bar. But then finding my resolve, I follow him, determined not to have anything between us—not even Nonno’s stupid desk. Yet when I’m halfway to him, my courage collapses under the weight of his silence, and I stop short—unable to bridge that distance after all.
“To make a point.” Sighing, he refills his glass. “Or rather to agree withyourpoint—partially. You look like Evangeline, but you’re nothing like her. She was every lie I told the don about you. Childish. Spoiled. Reckless. Perhaps she would have grown out of it, but…”
He doesn’t finish the sentence. So I do.
“But she chose the coward’s way out. She didn’t love me enough to stay.”
He shakes his head. “What I was going to say, love, was merely that she was weak. It had nothing to do with you.”
“Don’t say that!” The tears falling now, I rush forward and try to shove him, but it’s like pushing against a brick wall. “You know nothing about what it’s like to have your motherabandonyou.”
“I do.” With maddening calmness, he sets the glass down and closes his hands around my wrists, trapping me against him. “We have more in common than you know.”
Helpless, I look up at him. That’s my mistake. The kiss is all tongue and teeth and clashing lips. It’s violence. It’s desperation. It’s everything, and I want it to last forever.
But like all good things, it doesn’t. Releasing my wrists, he tangles his hands in my hair.
“This is getting ridiculous,” he murmurs, our lips inches apart.
“Then maybe it’s timeyouconfessed, Daddy.”
“All in good time, little girl. But first I’m going to fuck you.”
Her arms twinearound my neck. “Please,” she breathes, pulling me into another soul-searing kiss.
I can’t stand another moment of this. I need to be inside her. Ending the kiss, I steer us backward until she’s against the desk. Reaching beneath her skirt, I shove aside her panties and slide two fingers into her tight heat. She’s already slick with need.
“Is this room soundproofed?”
“Of course,” she says, gasping as I roughly stretch her, needing her too badly to go slow. “We’re in Nonno’s office. Do you know what he does in here?”
Withdrawing my fingers, I nod. “I do,” I say tightly, lifting her onto the desk. “I was just hoping you didn’t.”
“I’m not as innocent as you think, Father.” She slides her panties off, tossing them onto the floor.
“You’re innocent in the only way that matters, princess.”
Dropping to my knees, I bury my face in her pussy and suck on her clit. Moaning, she wraps her legs around me. Desperate to get as much of her as I can before everything goes to hell, I lick and suck for all I’m worth. I may not be able to erase my past, but I can make my angel come as often as she’ll let me. If only that could be enough.
Clamping her thighs more tightly around me, she cries out, coming against my face quicker than I expect. “Daddy, Father, Salvatore… God, fuck me,please!”
Hard enough to cut diamonds, I stand, undoing my belt and zipper. Grasping her hips, I drag her toward the edge of the desk and position myself at her opening before shoving my cock inside her.