The two men stand in back of me, their huge forms dominating.
“Sweetheart, we want you to be happy. If you do want to talk to us about anything, I hope you know you always can. We want to be here for you. We want to hear everything that you have to say,” Castor says in a low voice. Corey brushes a curl out of my eyes and leans over to kiss me on my cheek.
I blush, still in disbelief that they seem to care about me so much.
“Yes, okay, thank you. Everything really is fine. This place looks so nice!” I gesture at the restaurant.
“I’m so glad you think so. This is pretty much our favorite spot. We’ve been vegetarians for years now, and this place has food that’s actually really good. We were vegetarians before it became hip to be vegetarian. Now, it’s more of a LA fad,” Corey says with a wry grin.
At that moment, the hostess appears and her eyes take in the two handsome men with me. Am I imagining things or is that jealousy in her eyes? But immediately, a professional smile crosses her features.
“Three?” she asks. “Let me take you to a table.”
With that, we stride forwards towards probably the most important meal of my life. I want to talk to Corey and Castor about our relationship, but do I have the courage when deep down, I’m still a shy girl?
I can tell something’s going through Ginny’s head, and I’m scared that we might have been too forward with her. Castor and I have talked through this a million times since we first met her. We don’t want this to be some temporary thing. The relationships we’ve had with different women in the past few months, hell, even the past few years haven’t even come close to making us feel like how Ginny does.
The last time I dated someone solo, the girl broke my heart. She cheated on me with her psychology professor, of all people. How she could be attracted to a sixty year old turd with scraggly hair and bad breath is beyond me, but it happened. It was like something out of a Woody Allen movie. I loved her so much, and yet, she wanted to be with him.
For Castor, it’s been even worse. His ex-girlfriend left him for a woman, and he was devastated. I told him not to feel sad because obviously, that woman plays for an entirely different team altogether. But he was inconsolable, and the long and the short of it is that Castor and I have been burned, and we’re generally pretty trigger-shy. So for us to feel so much emotion for Ginny is overwhelming, and we want to act fast. I do feel serious about Ginny, and not knowing what she’s thinking is driving me crazy.
I open the restaurant door for her, and Castor follows through behind us. The curvy girl looks happy, content, and excited even. Maybe my anxiety’s all in my head.
“Just three?” the hostess asks, and we nod. I get excited, thinking that this is our first real date as a throuple, even if Ginny might not realize it yet. I’m nervous to talk to her about what we have planned.
The hostess leads us to our table in the corner, which has a window next to it looking out to the back lawn. The landscape is groomed and pleasing to the eye. The flowerbeds are blooming and the trees look as if they have just been trimmed. Ginny takes the seat next to the window, excitedly looking outside and pointing at the birds that just landed on the sill.
“I love spring so much. I haven’t seen this much green in a long time. I wish I had my sketchbook.” She sighs, looking through the window, seeming peaceful.
Her gorgeous curly hair is spilling over her shoulders and down her back, and her hips fill out the seat. She’s so perfect, and her love and appreciation for nature only makes her that much more attractive. Castor takes the seat across from her, so I sit down next to her. I can see he is watching her appreciatively too.
“Here are some menus and glasses of water. Your server, Virginia, will be right with you.” The hostess smiles at Castor and I, completely ignoring Ginny. I say thanks, barely glancing at the woman.
Unfortunately, Ginny saw how the hostess behaved. She rolled her eyes, smiling playfully.
“I bet that happens to you guys all the time; girls practically throw themselves at you all day, don’t they?” She laughs again, reassuring us that she finds it humorous.
Castor chuckles. “Honestly, who cares about them? We don’t even notice it. All we want is for you to be looking at us.” He reaches across the table and seizes Ginny’s hands.
She blushes, looking extremely pleased.