I can tell that Micky wants to say more, but she nods, her expression pensive. Then her face brightens.
“Well, if that’s true, then I’m happy for you, Gin. I want to meet them, like, ASAP. Girl, you know what? I’m totally jealous! My dating life is in a rut, and now you’ve met two handsome hunks.” She grabs my hands and jumps, like she really is incredibly happy for me. I am brimming with joy and feel like I might explode.
“Thank you, Mick. Thank you for always being there for me and I really appreciate your understanding. I know this is all so sudden and a little crazy, but that’s how life is sometimes, don’t you think? This time, I just want to go with the flow. Oh shit,” I gasp, suddenly looking at my phone. “I have to go because I’m meeting Castor and Corey for dinner. Talk later, okay?” I wink at her and give her hands a squeeze before grabbing my bag and heading for the door.
Micky waves again.
“You go girl!” I hear her call as I walk out of the apartment. I chuckle and shake my head, so excited to see the two men that changed my life.
I walk down the hallway and take the elevator down as my mind wanders. Is this our first official date? Could it really be that Castor and Corey like me just as much as I like them? Then I stop short and correct myself. Of course not, because they’re blackmailing me. This isn’t about emotions. This is about Corey and Castor getting what they want by any means necessary. I have to remember that.
I walk through the lobby, feeling unsure, when I see Castor and Corey waiting outside in their car. It’s a shiny black luxury sedan, and despite my caution, my heart begins to race. I smile and walk faster. I don’t want to seem too eager, but then again, it’s hard to remain calm.
Corey and Castor are already standing at the sidewalk, waiting for me. They’re both so huge and handsome, and I can see random women throwing them hungry stares. Yes, these men are with me!
Unable to resist, I run into their arms, and give Castor a hug first, smelling his cologne on his shirt, which is masculine, woodsy, and musky all at once. I breathe it in, wondering when it became my new favorite aphrodisiac. Then, I turn towards Corey and smile brightly up at him. He wraps me in those brawny arms, grinning back.
“Sweetheart, are you ready?” he growls.
I nod breathlessly.
“Where would you like to go?” Castor asks while opening the front passenger side door to let me in like a lady. I’ve never felt so wanted, or so taken care of, and we aren’t even technically in a relationship. My smile is sunny and immediate, despite my misgivings.
“Hmm, I don’t actually know. Surprise me?” As soon as I say this the men exchange a knowing look.
“Sounds great because we know just the place,” Castor says and motions for me to sit down in the front passenger seat. He closes my door and goes to the back, sliding in behind my chair.
We zip off with Corey at the wheel, and I’m all smiles while gazing at the passing cityscape. It’s funny. I’ve seen these same streets and buildings many times before, but never really noticed them. Now, however, they seem vibrant and full of life, as if I’ve stepped from a dreary black and grey life into full technicolor.
Suddenly, I hear my name. I look over and see both Castor and Corey looking at me with worry in their eyes.
“Ginny, are you okay?” Castor reaches his hand up from the backseat and puts it on my shoulder reassuringly.
“Um, yes I’m fine, why?” I smile. “Everything’s good.”
The two men frown a bit.
“We’ve been trying to get your attention for a while now. You seem to be in deep thought about something. I’m sorry if we interrupted, it’s just that we’ve arrived at the restaurant.” Corey seems a little embarrassed, as if he might have done something wrong.
Immediately, I speak.
“Oh no. It’s not you at all. I didn’t even realize that we’re here. I’m just tired and zoned out for a bit. It happens sometimes, especially after I’ve been studying hard,” I quip. Sure enough, we’ve pulled up to a fancy restaurant and the car’s now idling at the curb. I don’t even know how long we’ve been driving because I got so deep into my own head.
“Sweetheart, are you sure everything’s okay?” asks Corey seriously. “You know you can tell us.”
Quickly, I think to Mick’s words about the two men being shady, but then I brush it off.
“No, no. Everything’s fine. Come on, let’s go!”
I hop out and the two men join me after the valet takes the sedan. We make our way up the steps to a palatial foyer. The restaurant is decorated in deep navies and bright whites, and it’s named “Govinda’s.” It says on the sign that it specializes in delicious vegetarian food. I am definitely no vegetarian, but I have no problem if Corey and Castor are. I like all types of food and am always willing to try something new.