Page 6 of Sick of This Ship

Across the deck, a tall, dark-haired man with neatly trimmed stubble is scowling in our direction. It’s the same guy who was eavesdropping on our conversation earlier, down at Sailor Services, while looking out-of-his-mind angry. I get not liking a cruise, but this dude seems ridiculously put out. And where are his friends? Has he creepily come on this thing alone?

Of course, it only makes sense there would be skeevy hookup dudes on board a Love at Sea cruise. This must be the cruise line equivalent of ladies-night for a guy like him. I’ll bet he gets a ton of action too, what with his long, lean look and brooding vibes. Tracing my gaze up to his chiseled face, I jolt backwards when a set of intense green eyes meet mine. Electricity punches through me, as if he’s lasering me with his gaze. I jerk my head behind Jamie so the guy can’t see me anymore.

Jamie, meanwhile, has a crooked smile on his face and appears to be eye-fucking the cute, petite Asian guy at the center of the trifecta ahead. Jesus, is this how the entire week is going to go?

“What flavor did you get?” Jamie asks the adorable stranger.

“Ore-ohhh Yes.” The guy’s tone is an invitation.

“How tasty,” Jamie leans forward. “I’m Jamie, and you are?” His hand is out, Marie Antoinette style, as if this guy is going to kiss his ring.

“I’m Oscar, and the pleasure is all mine.” He bends over and kisses the back of Jamie’s hand. A part of me thrills at their exchange, while part of me wants to sink through the floor. I glance back toward that tall drink of Haterade but he’s gone. I mean, thank goodness he’s not staring anymore, right?

We step up to the counter and order: me a scoop of Cherry Popped, and Jamie a scoop of Blueberry Balls. I turn to laugh with him about our selection, but he’s already glued to Oscar’s side again. It’s clear that aside from the ice cream, there’s little chance Jamie will have blueberry balls at any point on this trip.

I, on the other hand, am alone, waiting for my Cherry Popped, while the line of hungry customers stares my way, each impatient for their turn at the Lick Me counter. Holy Chocolate Chip-n-Dale, what if Jamie was not the right person to bring with me after all? I hope I won’t be flying solo on this ridiculous ship for an entire week, while everyone else is making Love at Sea.

* * *


Mike: What have you found out?

Sebastian: Haven’t gone to their rooms yet. Got ice cream first.

Mike: You got ice cream? Follow them!

Sebastian: No, they got ice cream. But I’m tailing them to the twelfth floor now. Almost at her door.

Mike: Good. Keep me updated.

Sebastian: Roger that.

Things I’ve learned about Mike so far: he loves his wife, he’s an anxious dude, and he can be like a dog with a bone. Things I’ve learned about Anna: she alternates between dark, cold looks and burning bright smiles, and I wish I knew why. She’s also pretty physical with Man-Bun, and he with her. Plus, she’s limping and walking slow, so she must have twisted her ankle at some point. Mike said nothing about an injury.

I attempt to be discreet, since I know Anna saw me at that ice cream joint, and this is a make-or-break moment. Got to get Mike the intel, but I can’t let her realize I’m following. I, of course, got her room number from Mike, so I don’t need to rush. I take my time with the elevator and give the two-timers some space to hobble down to Anna’s room.

Near the back of the boat, there’s a jog where the corridor shifts over a few feet as the boat narrows at the back. I hide in the corner there, whipping out my phone like I’m texting someone. I peer around the wall to look down the rest of the hallway and see Anna and Man-Bun heading towards her and Mike’s door. I snap a quick pic. Suddenly, there’s a lot of shouting and cheering. The three dudes they were with at the ice cream shop have popped out of the three doors beside Anna’s.

Oh god, now it’s a group hug. Is this a polyamory situation? And these new dudes arefit. Gym rats or CrossFit hounds, most likely. I narrow my eyes. As Anna unlocks her cabin door, Man-Bun rushes into the door of the adjoining cabin, and then out again. He and Anna go inside her room together, and a few minutes later he pops back into the hall and gestures to someone in the cabin next door. A small Asian man follows him back into Anna’s room. Anna’s cabin door clicks closed, and all I can hear is more cheering and the sound of someone sending up a long “wooooooohooo!”

Sebastian: It’s not looking good.

Mike: Fuck. What did you see?

Sebastian: The guy she’s with is staying in her room.

Sebastian: Also, I hate to say this, but she seems to know three other guys staying next door. One of them is in her room now.

Mike: It’s worse than I thought. You’ve got to catch them red-handed. Whatever you do, don’t let her out of your sight.

* * *


All right, Anna and Mike’s cabin is pretty freaking fantastic. It’s nothing like what I pictured. We’re facing the back of the ship and we have floor to ceiling windows that open out to a wide terrace with two comfortable lounge chairs. The ship has left port, and we’re churning away from New Orleans with sweeping views of the skyline receding in the distance.

At the center, there’s a king bed looking out at the ocean, and to the side, there’s a couch Jamie can use. Although, he’s discovered his new crush Oscar is staying next door, and I suspect he might not be using our couch for long. In fact, he’s already back in Oscar’s cabin, having unlocked the door between our two rooms, a feature that’s designed to turn this into a family suite. I guess we’re one big, happy family already.