Page 37 of Sick of This Ship

“What a ride, Sebastian!” Kim says when we pull up at the cruise dock. “Thank you!” Kim and Lou climb out of the buggy, and then Lou offers me his hand while Kim tries, but fails, to smooth down her windblown hair.

“I’ll go back to the rental agency with Sebastian,” I say. “Keep him company.”

“Honey, not with your ankle!” Kim says.

“She’s right,” Sebastian says, still as even-keeled as before. “Let them help you back up the ramp. I’ll return the buggy on my own.” I guess he doesn’t even need to talk about this. But I do. I need to tell him who I am. I let Kim and Lou help me back up to the ship, but then I sit on the benches at Sailor Services, waiting for Sebastian to return.

When he does, he’s on the phone. His face is ashen.

* * *


“Don’t worry yourself, Sebastian,” Gramps says. “Gran is going to be fine. Her doctors are monitoring her, and they said this is an infection, not a full-scale rejection of her kidney. I didn’t call to alarm you. I wanted to let you know we’re at the ER, so you don’t hear it from somebody else in the family first.”

“But there are still risks for Gran. There could be complications!” I need to be with my grandparents. Someone needs to be there to advocate for them. Gramps is too nice for his own good. “I’ll come back to LA. I’ll find a flight out of Cozumel today and come straight to the hospital when I land.”

I rub my eyes and when I look up again, Anna is standing in front of me, her face aghast. How long has she been here? Where did she come from?

“Sebastian, stay where you are, son.” Gramps never wants my help. He’s afraid of holding me back. But he doesn’t understand. They’re all I have. I’m finding my way back to them. Tonight. But I drop it, because he’ll keep arguing otherwise.

“Do you need anything?” I ask. “How about I order you dinner for delivery to the hospital? Or I can order whatever you need and have it delivered, from the pharmacy, or grocery, or anything. Name it.”

“We’re all set. The nurses have made sure I’m fed and watered, and I’ll be allowed into your grandmother’s room shortly. They’re monitoring her overnight, and I’ll stay with her. Don’t you worry.” In the background, someone says something to him in a low voice. “Alright, Seby, that’s Gran’s nurse. My cue to go. I’ll call you soon, alright, kid?”

“Okay,” I say, my voice like sandpaper against my throat.

“Is your grandmother going to be alright?” Anna asks, rubbing her hands up and down my arms.

“I don’t know,” I manage. “Gramps said she passed out and was feverish. They went to the hospital, worried her body was rejecting her kidney. But the doctors said she’s stable now. They’re monitoring her overnight.”

“Sebastian, I’m so sorry.” Anna wraps me in her arms and leans her head against my cheek. She rocks me side to side, the way I remember Gran doing when I was little. I choke up, and Anna pulls me tighter. I let my head rest against hers while she rubs my back. Before I even realize it, my heart rate goes down and I’m relaxed enough to think.

“I have to get home,” I say. “I’ve got to find a flight before the ship departs port.”

Her hands slow their circles on my back, and she leans away from me, nodding. Her eyes are round as she stares up into mine.

“Do you need help? I can search with you.”

“No.” I step out of her arms. Now that I’m clearheaded again, I realize I’ve been letting her hold me like I was hers. But I’m not hers. And I’m not even sure if she’s Mike’s. She’s hiding something. Someone. I can’t add this on top of everything else. I have to shut it down, compartmentalize and save that particular pain for later. For right now, there’s only one thing I can handle.

“Find me before you go,” Anna says. “Or, at least, please tell me when you leave. I want to say goodbye.”

I nod, but I have to keep my jaw clenched shut or I’m going to lose it. Giving her a little wave, I turn and rush away.



It’sthe last full day of the cruise, and boy am I ready to disembark tomorrow. I texted Sebastian to say that I hoped he was alright, but all he sent back was a simple thank you and a smiley face. He didn’t text when he left the ship last night. He didn’t say goodbye. I didn’t get the chance to tell him who I am.

Maybe his disappearance shouldn’t bother me. He had a family emergency, and who am I to him? I’m a woman he got roped into kissing by an over-eager guide who was looking for tips. As far as Sebastian knows, I’m a married woman, unavailable, and unlikely to want more of him. But this doesn’t make it any easier.

Jamie and Oscar come back from the pool and shake water on me from their hair.

“Hey!” I hold up the edge of my towel.

“You’re not much fun today,” Jamie says, squeegeeing water from his swim trunks onto my leg.