Page 35 of Sick of This Ship

I take a deep breath, closing my eyes under the beating sun. Across the highway, the surf pounds on the beach. I can still taste Anna on my lips, her sweet mouth laced with the bitterness of the cacao and the reality of what I’ve done. I kissed another man’s wife. A client’s wife. I’m the same as my parents: picking the wrong people, destroying marriages, doing the wrong thing.

I stride across the parking lot. Sweat beads in my hair and trickles down my neck, along my spine, and straight into my ass crack. Maybe I should call an Uber and let Anna take the dune buggy home alone. I shouldn’t be around her. I can’t be trusted. Except she shouldn’t drive with her ankle in the shape it’s in.

How did I let Anna get to me? How could I have been stupid enough to believe in love again in the first place, and then to fall for her, too? I cradle my face in my hands. There’s only one way to make this right. I have to come clean with Mike and bow out of this case. I’ll back out of the job at Ulla Beauty and tell him everything.

Taking a deep breath, I dial Mike’s number. My heartbeat breaks through my chest while the phone rings and rings. When Mike answers, he’s out of breath.

“Sebastian, where are you? Is Anna there? She’s not answering my calls.”

“Yes, Mike, Anna is here. And I have some bad news.”

“Where are you? What are you doing?”

“Mike, listen.” My voice cracks. I bend over to breathe through the sudden nausea.

“What is it?” Mike sounds suddenly, utterly still.

“It’s Anna-”

“Yes, what is it?”

“I’m afraid…” I take a depth breath. “I’m afraid there’s another man in the picture.”

Mike is silent for a moment.

“Are you saying you have proof?” he asks.

“I do.” I sigh. “She’s been kissed.” And then something goes sideways in my chest. “But it’s not yet clear if she wanted the kiss.” Maybe she isn’t the cheater. Maybe I am. I have to find out what Anna was thinking. What she wanted.

“Stay on their tail,” Mike says.

“I’ll… I’ll figure out what’s going on.”

“I’ve got to go,” Mike says. And then he hangs up.

* * *


I’m still staring at the door, wondering whether I should go after Sebastian, when a text vibrates my phone.

Anna: Emergency!

And then my sister calls me. My gut tightens. She’s caught Mike, I know it. My stomach rolls over. It’s crazy, the timing… the irony.

“Are you okay?” I ask.

“Mike saw me.” She’s breathing hard. “At least, I think he saw me. Or he thinks he did. I’m hiding in the bathroom at the coffee shop across from his office. He’s searching the place. He ran over here after spotting me, and he’s called my phone. But I can’t answer him till I know where you are right now. And I need you to post a photo of it this minute!”

“I’m learning to make Mayan Cacao at a random spot in Cozumel. It’s along the highway that runs around the island. Tell him it’s a Mexican Hot Chocolate making class.”

“Who are you with?”

“A friend I met on the cruise.” My voice is too guarded. I try to smile to change my tone. But I can’t smile. I’m too confused by what’s happened.

“A friend? Where’s Jamie?” Of course, Anna knows something’s up. But I don’t want to worry her about my stuff right now.

“Jamie is with his crush. They’re not here. I’m here with Sebastian, and it’s not a big deal.”