Page 26 of Sick of This Ship

“Probably in a week or so, you should be good again. Let’s hope this is just a sprain. The fact your foot is facing the correct direction is a good sign. I’ve definitely seen worse. But if it doesn’t feel much better after some ibuprofen and a good night’s rest, please don’t hesitate to find me. My brothers are on this cruise as well, and we’re all doctors. We’ll make sure you’re taken care of.”

Geez, as if Anna needs more gigantic, handsome doctors to turn her head. The ship's doctor will do fine.

“You’re doctors onvacation, don’t forget,” Anna says with a sympathetic tilt of the head. “I’m sure you all deserve time off.” Something in my chest loosens. So she’s not vying for more time with Aris. That’s good.

Aris shrugs. “We’ve vowed to do no harm, and I would never turn my back on someone in need. Especially a friend of Adrienne’s.” Okay, so maybe he wasn’t flirting with Anna either. Maybe his little show was for the woman at his side.

“Thank you again, so much.” Anna smiles.

“Yes, thanks,” I nod at Aris, relieved to see him taking Adrienne’s hand again.

“Hey, let me know how you’re feeling later, okay?” Adrienne says to Anna as they depart. If you need someone to bring you food or drinks, we’re happy to help.”

“Thanks guys. Hope to see you soon.”

I carry her the rest of the way onto the ship. “Shall we go see the official doctor?”

“I need to rest.” She shakes her head. “My room is on deck twelve. But I mean, I can get there myself. Or we can ask at Sailor Services if they have a wheelchair so you don’t have to carry me.” She’s turned pink. She doesn’t want me in her room, which is good. It’s further evidence that she’s loyal to Mike. But I’m carrying her to her bed no matter what.

When I get back to my own windowless box of a cabin, I call Mike.

“Tell me everything,” he says, sounding rushed.

“I have good news,” I say. “Anna is on board with a friend from work, and he’s gay. She’s been hanging out with a bunch of gay guys they met on board. Anna isn’t cheating.”

“Sebastian, oh my god.” Mike’s voice is suddenly warm. “Are you serious? This is… this is incredible.”

“I’m glad to tell you this, and-”

“Put that there,” Mike says to someone on the other end of the line. I fall silent, waiting for him to stop. “No, over there. Five feet further. Okay good.”

How can whatever’s happening there be more important than hearing about the future of his marriage? But Mike keeps going, carrying on a whole side conversation with someone else.

“Want me to call you back?” I say.

“No, no, I’m here,” Mike says. “You were saying?”

“Listen, I’m glad to tell you that Anna isn’t cheating, at least not on this cruise, but Mike, she needs—"

“That one should be right beside the other,” he says to the people around him. “Yes, see how they line up there?” I sigh, listening to his other conversation.

“Okay, sorry, man,” Mike says. “Can’t wait for you to get back to LA. I’m having my assistant submit your background check now so we can complete your job offer ASAP. Background checks take a few weeks to process, and I need you in here. We’re swamped with this launch, and the whole retail operations team is understaffed. You’ll free up a huge chunk of my brain space when you take over the anti-fraud group. I want to surprise Anna with a house she adores, over in West Hollywood, and there’s no way I’ll get the bonus I need for that if we can’t cut down on inventory shrinkage. Now, what were you saying?”

“I said that Anna needs—"

“Guys, what did I say about that?” Mike shouts at the people around him.

“You know what? It’s nothing. I’ll let you go,” I say. “You’re very busy.” Only that your wife needs you, Mike. She’s all alone on your anniversary cruise, and it’s driving her to take risks to her health and safety that she shouldn’t be.

“Thanks for the update, man. We’ll get that job offer over to you soon.”

When he hangs up, I plop onto my bed, rubbing my chest. I should be overjoyed. I’m getting the job offer. My dream job. Big national team, fancy office at HQ, great pay, nice perks, and complicated crimes to solve. But overjoyed isn’t how I’m feeling. I sigh, putting my elbows on my knees so I can rest my head in my hands. Mike should be here with his wife, not working to buy a house she hasn’t even asked for.

Fine. He says he needs me to take things off his plate. I can do that. As long as I’m here, I can make sure Anna isn’t alone for the rest of the cruise. I can make sure she doesn’t keep taking ridiculous risks.