Page 19 of Sick of This Ship

Sebastian draws himself up to standing, hands still cupped between his glorious legs. He has rounded ridges of muscle running from the insides of his knees and up around his thighs, which are sinewy and strong. The lines of his lower torso carve from his hips down to his groin.

He coughs. I jerk my gaze to his face again. His eyes are dark, same as they were in the hot-tank. When our eyes meet, I stop laughing. For one beat, then two, we stare at each other. Steam condenses on my skin, trickling between my breasts, pooling in my belly button, and running down my inner thighs.

“Um… we should go,” Jamie says.

“Me too.” Sebastian’s voice scrapes. “Time to get back to that waxing, now that my pores are open.” He steps backwards till he’s pressed against the door he must have come through, then he slips away.

As soon as he’s gone, Jamie, Oscar, and I break into fresh giggles.

“I felt his thingy,” Jamie says. “Girl, you’re gonna have fun!”

“I will do no such thing,” I say. “Married woman,remember?” I give a pointed look at Oscar.

“You could fix that,” Jamie says. “That’s all I am saying.” He wants me to come clean.

“I have no need to,” I say, rolling my eyes. “I’m not interested.” But even as I retreat into my massage room, I can’t stop picturing the way Sebastian turned to face me head on, his chest heaving like he was out of breath when his hungry eyes met mine.



It’s late.I’m sitting naked on the single bed in my cabin, twisting my hands together, when my bathroom door opens, and Anna emerges from a cloud of steam. She’s barely covered by the hand towel she holds over her front. Anna steps into my tiny cabin and in two strides, stands between my legs before trailing one hand up my neck and into my hair, her fingers tingling against my skin. The edges of her breasts are visible around the towel.

“Show me,” she says, glancing down. I’ve cupped my hands over my groin, and it’s getting harder to hide as I grow harder.

“You’re married.” I shake my head. She licks her lips, the little divot at their center urging me on.

“I’ve never been with anyone but Mike,” she whispers, her eyes burning into mine. “I’m curious.” She traces her hand down my smooth chest. My skin is so sensitive now that I groan, leaning into her hand.

“I can’t be attracted to a married woman,” I whisper. I have to resist.

“Your cock says otherwise,” she looks down again. “Show me.” I shake my head again. “Come on, Sebastian.” Anna grips one of my wrists and tugs, but I won’t. I can’t. And then she lets her towel drop. Her small, tender breasts beg for me. The brush of dark hair between her legs whispers my name. I want my mouth everywhere, all at once.

She’s tugging both my hands away now and I’m losing all control.

“Anna, no,” I whisper.

Someone pounds on my door.

“You motherfucker!” A man shouts.

“It’s not Mike,” Anna says, but she’s hiding in my bathroom. How did she get there so fast?

I wrap myself in my sheet.

“It’s the big kahuna!” She’s muttering. “The animal king. Vodka! No, no, no, Tequila.” Something crashes outside. I blink awake in the dark, my heart racing. I’m hard. This is so, so bad.

A bunch of drunk people are outside my door shouting about the merits of various hard liquors. Groaning, I cover my head with my pillow. I deserve this. Torture of all kinds and my shitty room with no view beside the elevators. I’m an awful human.

Not only that, I’m an awful detective.

Jamie accepted my follow request on Instagram after our spa day was over. I would estimate him at 99.9% gay based on the dozens of posts of him kissing other men, and the zero posts of him kissing women. Or his Pride Parade photos, with captions like, “Let’s get one thing straight, I’m not,” or “Sorry girls, I like dickanda guy namedRichard.” I mean, how much clearer can you get?

I’ve been rude and dismissive and unprofessional, as well as idiotic. I wanted that job at Ulla so badly that I let all of Mike’s assumptions about Anna cloud my judgment. If I’m honest, I let my feelings about cheaters creep in there too. The sooner I get out of P.I. work, the better. My mental health is reaching new lows.

Although, after the awkward encounter at the spa, and my immense relief at finding out Anna’s not a cheater, the dream isn’t so bad, is it? She’s a good person. A kind, loyal wife; everything I want, if they even still exist. That’s all the dream was: an animal response combined with a dash of relief.

Tomorrow I will verify my new theory further. And once I feel certain Anna is here with her gay guy-friends, and not her lovers, I can tell Mike the good news. And apologize for putting him through hell the last two days by making assumptions. If his wife is not cheating, he’s in the clear. They don’t need a divorce. They need therapy, and… wait, shit. If Mike and Anna stay together, and Anna hates me, how will that affect my job prospects at Ulla Beauty?