Page 17 of Sick of This Ship

I snort. Rarely have I been called open.

“The last person who called me that was my college boyfriend.”

“What, were you two swingers or something?”

“God, no. He called me open only because I had nothing to hide. I didn’t date anyone before him, so all my high school stories were super tame.”

“Seriously?” Sebastian looks incredulous. “I’d have thought a woman like you…” He trails off.

“A woman like what?” I’m sick of whatever he’s been insinuating these last two days. Sebastian takes a moment to splash hot water over his hair, slicking it away from his face before answering.

“You seem…” His nostrils flare. “Well, you attract attention.”

I furrow my brow, and a hint of sunset spreads across his cheeks.

“I mean, you’re well, look at you.” He gestures my way. “All you have to do is smile, and guys flock to you.” He shrugs. “I’d have guessed you had men eating out of the palm of your hand since you were thirteen.”

I close my eyes as the words hit. Sebastian sees Anna as the kind of woman who attracts attention from men. On purpose. That she’s been doing it since she was in middle school. He looks at her strapless sundresses and tiny bikinis and sexy Vegas masquerade outfit and thinks “slut.” This guy doesn’t even realize she uses her sexuality like a weapon, keeping men at bay. He understandsnothingabout me and my sister. I count to ten, breathing out before opening my eyes.

“I don’t like male attention,” I say. “Men want one thing, and it’s pathetically boring.”

Sebastian’s eyes pop wide, and he laughs.

“Says the married woman hanging around with four dudes on a lovers’ cruise.” He crosses his arms.

Shit. That was real Zoey talking, not Anna. I can’t let Sebastian get to me. I have to keep it together, for my sister’s sake.

“I know it mightseemlike I like men.” Sebastian raises his eyebrows. I sound crazy. “And of course I do like men - I mean, my husband. I like him.” Sebastian’s eyes narrow. “Love. I mean love.” I throw my hands up out of the water, splashing Sebastian. “But before that. Before him. I didn’t like male attention. I didn’t date much.”

Sebastian tilts his head, those deep, green eyes whirring while he thinks mysterious things.

“Do you ever feel you need to make up for lost time?” he says.

“What do you mean?”

“Like, do you everwishyou could be with other men?”

Is it my imagination or has Sebastian shifted closer to me on the seat, his eyes darkening to forest night. My mouth goes dry. The tank is so small his left side is inches from my right; I could easily lean against his bulky shoulders. I could lift my hand and my fingertips would brush across his chest in the water.

He watches my face. I lick my lips and swallow. Why does he look at me like that?

“It’s almost time for our couple’s massage!” Jamie says, drips splatting from his shorts to the floor beside me.

“Already? Then my appointment is coming up too!” I push out of the water, Sebastian’s eyes still following my every move.

* * *


I follow Jamie and Oscar into the men’s changing room, where they strip off their wet shorts and wrap up in their robes. I too, have an appointment in minutes and no dry clothing, so I follow suit, using the robe provided at the front desk.

“Anna is so nice to give us her couple’s massage,” Oscar says. “I feel kind of bad.”

“Her sister got her a sport massage after she heard about it, so you don’t need to worry,” Jamie says.

“Wait, was the couple’s massage originally for Anna and her husband?” I say.

“It was,” Jamie says. “I see why she didn’t want it. Who was she going to invite instead, you know?”