Page 4 of Sick of This Ship

I let out a long sigh. I hate that she’s right. Being marginally injured is the most boring possible status to have. I can sort of do everything, but I’m not supposed to do anything. It’s killing me. But if I still can’t run, jump, or climb at high speed after the break? That would be worse. That would jeopardize my career.

“I… but…” There has to be a reason I shouldn’t go on the cruise. “I was going to do a lot of upper body training at that new gym near the studio next week.”

“So were you planning to seduce a certain someone who’s been talking up his membership there?” Anna purses her lips.

“No.” I glare at her. “I’m not into Grant. I mean, whoever you’re talking about.”

“Why don’t you invite him to come on the cruise?” Anna cocks her head, one eyebrow raised. “It’s easy enough to transfer a cruise ticket to someone else. I can give him Mike’s. A free trip with my gorgeous sister? Come on, he’d go.”

I could laugh. Anna knows I’m incapable of inviting a man to coffee, let alone a cruise. And a seduction at sea, by me?

“I am not inviting Grant Kevlar! We only met a month ago, in this very trailer. He would never go on a Caribbean Cruise with me, even if it’s free.”

“Who says I wouldn’t go on a free Caribbean Cruise with my new BFF?” Jamie Von Burger, my favorite hair stylist of all time- who I also met a month ago in this trailer- blows in the door, wet as a sewer rat. Jamie drops his umbrella, and water sprays the room. “I’m dying to get out of this tropical depression. Please tell me you weren’t making up the idea of a jaunt to the Caribbean. I want to drink Piña Coladas in the sun with you, babes.” He air-kisses my cheek and his beard tickles my skin, while his long flowing locks cascade forward in a silken waterfall. “We’re a dream team. Think of the boys we could slay.”

Of course, at this very moment, in walks Grant Kevlar himself. Upon hearing Jamie’s words, he raises his eyebrows at me, a delectable smile playing over his soft lips. My heart stutter stops. He’s the stunt double to the hunkiest of hunky actors, Zander Zane, but somehow, he’s much darker and sexier than his silver screen counterpart could ever be. I’d so go on a cruise if he was there. Even though I’d never admit it, maybe a small part of me hoped I’d bump into him at a certain LA gym.

“Jamie and Zoey are taking a Caribbean Cruise next week.” Anna smiles. Jamie widens his eyes at her. I narrow mine. That little skunk.

“Aren’t you full of surprises?” Grant leans against the beauty counter, every one of his muscles bulging through his clothes, even with this minimal effort. My lizard brain grinds to a halt.

“Zoey is quite mysterious.” Anna wraps her arm around my shoulder.

“Mysterious and gorgeous!” Jamie says, flipping his hair. “Zoey and I are going to meet all the handsome men in the Caribbean!”

“While also resting her ankle.” Anna does her best big sister voice. “Don’t let her do anything stupid. A cruise ship is the perfect place to rest.”

“Oh no, not stupid inthatway. Her ankle is safe with me,” Jamie says. “But she can be slightly stupid with her other parts if she wants.” He hasn’t known me long enough to understand how unlikely that is.

Grant chuckles as if to show how obvious it is tohimthat I do nothing fun or stupid or rash in the love- or vagina- department. My face flames.

“Sounds like a better time than I’ll be having at the big Georgia Dirk, Jud Patrick wedding next week,” he says.

“You got an invitation?” I can’t help but squeak. Grant’s supposed to be with me in LA! Not watching two rich old Hollywood directors get married at the fanciest hotel in New Orleans alongside Meghan Marconi, Zander Zane, and half the Hollywood A-list.

“My manager scored me the plus one spot for Virginia Covney.” Grant shrugs. “Good for my career.” My stomach lurches. Virginia has been a producer for seven hit HBO shows and a ton of blockbuster action movies and is a good twenty years his senior. Is he sleeping his way to the top?

“Sounds like she’s right up your alley, Grant.” Anna rolls her eyes. “Or you hers…”

Jamie titters, and Grant, still as cool as a cucumber, gives him a dead sexy smile.

“A cruise sounds like it’s what Zoey needs up her alley. A ride on a big ship could loosen her right up.” His grin makes my face heat, given the number of times I’ve drooled in front of him while failing to form coherent sentences. He winks at me, and even though I hate how he can be so crass and so drool-worthy at once, I hold his gaze. My insides melt, hot and wet to my core, but I clear my throat and lift my chin.

“Obviously, I’m excited about the Love at Sea cruise, Grant.” I pray my voice is easy breezy. Like he didn’t get under my skin. “I only hope the buffet has enough to choose from.” I wink at him, then pick up my phone, pretending to type a message on the still-black screen while my pulse roars in my ears.

When I finally get my pattering heart under control and glance up, Anna’s victorious grin is like salt in my wounds. But the subtle shift in Grant’s expression tells me he’s curious now. I surprised him. I might have caught his interest at last.

* * *


The ship is busy by the time I make it aboard. The Sailor Services desk is mobbed. Behind the desk, a neon blue sign reads, “You Float Our Boat.” I chuckle. Even if I don't love the reason, I'm excited to be here.

Anna’s Instagram profile shows that she’s quite beautiful, five foot eight and slim, with long dark hair and a big bright smile. A woman like her could pick up men anywhere.

She looks a lot like Meghan Marconi, as Mike said she would, but she’s a little more delicate, with less of the “look-at-me” vibe that her A-list doppelgänger wears on her sleeve. With her sweet smile, it’s hard to think she might be a liar, a cheat, and a hypocrite. Acid burns in my throat. I flip to her website, full of touched up headshots and her upcoming singing schedule back in various LA lounges. She seems to be a successful performer in her own right. I guess she thinks she’s such hot shit that even a super-successful, handsome guy like Mike isn’t enough.

Ahead of me, the cruise director is meandering through the crowd, welcoming people aboard in a flamboyant Mexican accent, shaking hands.