Page 14 of Sick of This Ship

“Cheating. Every single fucking time.”

“That’s awful,” she says, heat back in her words, her brows drawing down. She looks sincere. Is she this good a liar, or does she truly think whatevershe’sup to isn’t cheating? “My sis—" She pauses, pressing her lips together. “I worry my husband is cheating.”

It’s like the little DJ living inside my head screeches his turntables to a halt.

Could Anna and Mike be two-timing each other? “Do you have any evidence?” My stomach twists. I didn’t have time for reconnaissance on Mike before leaving. He could be up to something. I wouldn’t know. Maybe she thinks she gets a free pass if Mike is cheating too.

“It’s a hunch.”

“Nothing surprises me these days.” I sigh. “Marriage doesn’t work anymore. People today are all about instant gratification. Love has left the building.”

“That’s dark. No wonder you’re here all alone.” Her words are like a hot poker to the heart. “The real question is, why did you come on a love-themed cruise at all?”

* * *


Colin cannonballs into the pool, followed by Jamie and Oscar, sending tidal waves between Sebastian and me. We drift further from each other. But even as Sebastian’s attention shifts to Colin, who’s dancing up to him in the water, he looks preoccupied. I hit a nerve back there. Suddenly, Sebastian’s gruff exterior makes sense. He has a wall up after too many hard knocks.

Colin tosses an inflatable ball his way, and he shoots it to Jamie, who passes to Oscar. Our conversation is done, but I want to ask more. There was something in his face when he talked about his parents. Was he angry when he found out they were cheating? Disappointed? And how did he find out? Does the moment haunt him, the way I still wake up sweating?

My dream repeats. It’s my eleventh birthday and I’m sliding my bare feet over the old green carpet at our house, like I’m skiing down the hall. In my dream I have Yoda ears, big and olive colored. They swivel towards the door when I hear our step-father talking to Anna in our room. His words are the same words he always says, but with my eleven-year-old Yoda ears, I’m finally able to understand.Tiny, tight, hoochie bootie. Little flowering buds about to bloom. Just wait, you’ll see. The deflowering will be beautiful.

I cover my mouth as bile rises. The ball toss has expanded to include several couples near our group, and I start to retreat to my lounge chair, no longer in the mood. Sebastian stops me.

“Wait, let me take a group photo in the pool. You should remember this moment.”

“You deserve to be in the photo as much as anyone,” Colin says.

“That’s true,” Jamie says. “All friends, new and old!”

“I’m more the guy behind the camera.” Sebastian heads to the lounge chairs and picks up his phone. “Come on!” He gestures for us to cluster together, and we comply.

After taking the photo, Sebastian settles on his lounge chair and dives into phoneland. Maybe our conversation left him pensive, too. Safely in my lounger, I tilt Anna’s big pink hat down over the top half of my face and snap a selfie to send to her.

Zoey: Lounging poolside! Ankle getting lots of rest!

Anna: That looks amazing.

Zoey: A treat after Louisiana. What’s happening at home?

Anna: Mike is boring so far. Work, work, and more work. I’m going to bribe a guy on his team to spy for me inside the building. Any cute guys on the ship?

Zoey: How am I supposed to troll for guys if I’m you?

Anna: You’re afraid to flirt.

Zoey: People on this boat think I’m married. That cruise director who Mom contacted about you is everywhere. I see him across the pool from me right now.

Anna: So avoid him!

Zoey: I’m trying.

Anna: So there are no cute guys at all?

Zoey: There’s a hot asshole who won’t leave me alone.

Anna: That’s juicy! Send a pic!