Page 10 of Sick of This Ship

Colin says something to the table, looking excited as I come towards them. The other guys turn and wave. But they’re here with a cheater, and that I can’t support. I have to force myself to smile back. Anna turns, her face curious at first, but when she sees who they’re waving at, her expression hardens.

“Here, I’ll move so you two can chat,” says the small Asian guy who’s sitting between Colin and Anna. He takes the empty chair next to Man-Bun. Anna’s glower deepens. She turns away to watch the stage, where a tall, heavy-set performer has come out in a bright red wig and black sequin gown.

“Welcome to Razzle Dazzle, ladies and ladies-who-aren’t-dressed-yet!” the performer announces. “My name is A-man-da, and I’ll be your MC this morning. I hope you’re ready for some fun!” The room fills with cheers and claps. “Our show will begin in a few minutes, so please order your breakfasts, get your mimosas, and get ready to party!”

* * *


Colin is so excited he seems to have jumping-beans in his shorts when Sebastian sits between us. But me? I’m ready to run back-stage, grab a wig, and sneak out the service entrance.

“You came to the drag show!” Colin gives him a quick squeeze around the shoulders. W.T.F. is going on? Why the hell is Sebastian here? And why has Oscar given him the seat next to me? “This is Anna, Jamie, Oscar, and Aniston.” Colin gestures at each of us, ending with the tall thin blond man beside Oscar. “You’re just in time,” Colin says. “We were talking about which activities and excursions we should do this week.”

“Well, great,” Sebastian says, looking surprised at Colin’s assumption he’ll be joining us. So, Sebastian hasn’t realized Colin is gay, even though, with the way Colin is staring, I am starting to have a pretty good idea how the most unpleasant man on this floating hotel wound up sitting next to me.

“Yes, join us,” the other guys chorus, including Jamie, who doesn’t know this istheSebastian. I shoot Jamie laser eyes, hoping he gets the message.

“We’re thinking about river tubing in Montego Bay, doing the Reef & Wreck adventure in Grand Cayman, and trying out those newfangled snorkel-scuba Snuba masks at Cozumel,” Colin says to Sebastian.

“Those sound like fun,” Sebastian says. I groan internally. Could this week get any less exciting? Anna and Mike already bought tickets for the river tubing trip in Montego Bay, but at least it’s not trying to pretend it’s a real adventure. It’s a day of floating and drinking, with a waterfall sighting at lunch and a zipline in the morning. Nothing more, nothing less.

But the other excursions these guys like? No thanks, I’m out. I don’t want to snorkel and Snuba with a bunch of out-of-shape tourists, all scared to put their face in water. I’ve already told the guys my ankle can’t handle flippers. Like it or not, I’m relegated to the pool and the beach.

“Man, I love a good cruise,” Sebastian goes on. “So many things to do, interesting stuff to learn, neat places to see…” He trails off, gazing into the middle distance. What a goober. “And of course, there are…” he coughs, “great people to meet.” Why even add that last bit if he had to sound so insincere about it?

I give Sebastian a slow once over. He’s wearing soft cotton shorts with the sort of tank top that says he works out, and no, he doesn’t mind giving everyone the gun show. Read my eyes, Hatorade. I know your type.

“Surprised you got the dress code right this morning,Sebastian,” I say.

“If only you’d loaned me your dress from last night, Anna.” Sebastian smirks. “Then I could go on stage this morning.” Jamie gasps across the table.

“Like you know enough about women to become one.” I raise an eyebrow.

“I know more than you think I know.” Sebastian leans back in his chair and crosses his arms, narrowing his eyes as if his words convey some chilly meaning. I laugh.

“You have an imaginary girlfriend, right? She must have told you all about women.”

“Imaginary girlfriend?” His brow furrows.

“The date you were about to compare me with last night. She soundedsoooperfect. Except wait,” I throw up my hands, “she doesn’t exist. I suppose, given your attitude, you must sleep with imaginary women a lot.”

“I’ve had plenty of actual women in my… I mean, I’m not alone all the time…” Sebastian is nicely flustered. “You know what? Never mind.”

I grin. “So, you have random women in your bed often?” I wrinkle my nose.

“You’re one to talk.” Sebastian’s voice grows ominous as he gestures around the whole table. How has he not realized all these guys are gay? And not only that, they think I’m married. Colin, who’s watching our exchange with a worried face, puts his hand on Sebastian’s knee.

“Maybe it’s time for mimosas,” he says. “We could get back to picking out excursions, even ifAnnadoesn’t think they sound like fun.” Oh, Colin, babe, I have no intention of stealing Sebastian away from you.

“Mimosas it is,” Sebastian says. “Someone needs to cool down a little.” He raises an eyebrow at me, and Colin laughs nervously, looking around for a server.

“Anna is always cool.” Jamie glares at Sebastian from across the table. “In fact, she’s the coolest girl you’ll ever meet.”

“I suppose a guy like you would know.” Sebastian glares back. ‘A guy like you,’ is he for real?What is it with this dude? Dressing me down is one thing, but going after Jamie? Hell no. Men who create these kinds of power dynamics are the worst.

“What’s eating you?” I’d like to wipe that smug look off Sebastian’s profile. “You claim to love cruises, but even though I can’t stand them, at least I’m not going around judging everyone on board.”

Oscar snaps his fingers at me. Jamie and Aniston join him, looking at me as proudly as if I’ve bitch-slapped Sebastian at a poetry reading. Sebastian’s emerald eyes flash.