Page 67 of Olivia

“Thank you for coming,” he said.

She nodded. “Were you there last night? At the warehouse?” she asked, surprising him. He knew he was taking a risk—she could have a wire on her and playing him to Diaz’s benefit, but he didn’t think she was.

“Yes,” he said.

“What was he doing in the warehouse?” she asked.

He searched her eyes, but the longer he looked at her, the more he was sure she was on his side. He was no fool—he knew she was doing this for her gain, as was he. But that didn’t mean they couldn’t both benefit from this.

He knew this was the moment that would either seal her involvement or break the deal. The problem was, Jackson had been given specific instructions not to reveal what was going on at the warehouse last night—but he’d also been given specific instructions to lock in this deal, to make it happen.

“Diaz was meeting with his brother,” Jackson said.

Anna went still. When she finally took a breath, she cleared her voice.

“Diaz is estranged from his brother,” she said with narrowed eyes.

Jackson’s eyebrows threaded together.


What was Anna talking about?

Diaz and Dominic were business partners.

“The photograph on your memory card... that was Dominic and Diaz,” Jackson said, studying her carefully.

Her jaw locked. “I didn’t know who it was. I thought they looked related—likely brothers—so I asked Diaz about his family. He said he had a brother he hasn’t spoken to in years.”

Jackson looked into her eyes. “Diaz is lying.”


The room tilted but she refused to reach for the wall. She would not allow her legs to give in.

She would not crumble.

Dominic was there last night?

How had she not known this?

There was too much she didn’t know. First Olivia’s body, and now Dominic. Anna had sacrificed the last three years of her life for this mission and she still knew so little, she realized bitterly. She swallowed the acrid bile rising in her throat.

Why had Diaz told her he was estranged from Dominic?

Jackson pushed off the desk and took a step toward her. “I need to know you’re on my side,” he said, his voice a strong whisper.

She raised her eyebrow, almost taking a step back. “I’m here.”

“Here isn’t enough,” he said gently.

Her heart-raced, and it was not just from the news he’d given her. Jackson was inches from her—close enough to touch, close enough to smell. And he smelled so good.

She blocked those thoughts from her mind.Concentrate, Anna. She’d missed too many things already—she couldn’t afford to miss anything else. She was going to enter into an agreement to be his informant, but she was not going to be stupid and reckless.

She closed her eyes for the briefest of moments and when she reopened them, all she saw was his eyes.

“What are you carrying?” he asked, his voice lower than it had been seconds ago.