Page 65 of Olivia

When Jackson awoke, light was streaming in from behind his curtains. He rolled over, checking his phone. It was almost nine in the morning, he realized with surprise. He’d forgotten to set an alarm, but he was technically off duty today, so it didn’t matter.

He’d barely finished that thought when his phone rang. He recognized the number immediately—grabbing the phone, he cleared his throat and answered it.

“Lamborghini, Oradale,” he said like he was standing at the customer service desk. “Jamie speaking.”

“Ah, Jamie. Exactly who I wanted to speak to. This is Anna White... unfortunately my trip was cancelled, so I’m free to come in today. How does two this afternoon sound?” she asked.

He tipped his head back, smiling at the ceiling.

Thank you, God.

“It sounds perfect, Anna,” he said. “Please report to the service desk and let them know you’re here to see me; they’ll show you through to my office.”

“Great,” she said. “I’ll see you at two. Thank you.”

The line went dead and Jackson exhaled a long breath.

He supposed there was a risk that she literally thought she was speaking with the dealership, but he didn’t believe that for a second. She knew it was him, he was sure of it.

He made a phone call. “Aaron, hey. I need to use your office at two.”

Aaron scoffed. “No worries, old friend. I’ll find another office to work from.”

Jackson grinned. “Thanks, buddy.”

Jackson had been praying for guidance—for a way to get close to Anna that wouldn’t put either of them at risk. He’d literally been staring at her car, staring at the answer, when it had smacked him in the face. Aaron was his cousin’s boyfriend, who knew nothing of the case, but conveniently managed the Lamborghini dealership in Oradale—where Anna had purchased her car. Jackson trusted him to be discreet, but knew when Aaron saw who Jackson was meeting, he would have questions. He would likely know Anna, given she’d purchased multiple cars from them, and if he knew a little about her, he might also knowwhosegirlfriend she was. Jackson knew questions, and possibly a warning, would follow this meeting, but he’d deal with that later. For now, he needed to shower, shave, and get ready. He also needed to organize a gift Anna could leave the dealership with. Everything about this meeting needed to be planned and thought through. Diaz’s men would be watching her.

Jackson threw back the blankets, showered, and dressed with an enthusiasm he hadn’t felt in days.

He had a plan, and now he needed to execute it.

He dressed in jeans and a sweater, tucked his wallet into his back pocket, put his pistol in his holster, and grabbed his car keys.

Jackson drove toward the dealership, playing out every possible scenario in his head.

What if the men followed Anna in?

What if they followed her to Aaron’s office?

Jackson hadn’t seen Aaron’s office, but he assumed there was only one door in and out, so he would need his pistol at the ready at all times.

He turned over the details in his mind, again and again, while his eyes bounced between the road and his mirrors.

No tail.

He parked three blocks from the dealership and walked, hiding his face under a baseball cap.

When he arrived at the dealership, he entered via the service gate and walked into the warehouse like he was an employee who had every right to be there.

Once inside, he called Aaron.

An employee walked toward him. “Are you looking for the service desk? I can show you the way,” he said, not waiting for an answer.

“No, I’m waiting for Aaron. He’s heading down from his office. He told me to wait here.”

The man’s eyebrows lifted. “Uh, okay,” he said as he turned and looked up at the staircase, which had a glass wall.

Jackson didn’t like that. Diaz’s men could stand where he was and see Anna go upstairs. While that may not be suspicious, it would make it easier to find her if they were looking.