Page 62 of Olivia

“Yes, it is,” she said, looking straight at him. She didn’t blink, she didn’t hesitate.

She saw the doubt in his eyes, the second-guessing—and she knew in that moment he didn’t know she’d been in the warehouse, but hewassuspicious about that phone call.

He cursed under his breath, turning his attention back to the road. “You think I’m losing it, don’t you?” he asked.

She pretended to consider his question. “You’ve been acting different since the raid, Diaz,” she said, not directly answering his question. She couldn’t see how telling him he was losing it would help calm his mind.

When Diaz pulled up at the warehouse she’d been at less than an hour ago, her stomach churned violently. She drew in a deep breath, knowing it could be one of her last.

“Wait here,” he said, opening the car door.

She opened her mouth to speak, then decided better of it. If he wasn’t dragging her inside, that was as good a sign as any that she wasn’t about to face her death.

But whatwasDiaz doing?

She watched him walk to the door, unlock it, and then slide it open. Her eyes dropped to her watch and she noted the time.

Minutes slowly ticked by and she debated whether she should go inside. She’d been told to stay, yet she knew that warehouse was empty.

So what was he doing?

Her phone vibrated and she pulled it from her handbag, her eyebrows threading together as she read the message.

Anna: Thank you for recently servicing your car with us. Your loyalty is truly valued. Our customer representatives would like to give you a small gift, a token of appreciation. Please call the service team on this number to arrange collection.

She read the message twice.

She had recently serviced her car, but she wasn’t normally gifted anything other than an extravagant bill.

Anna’s eyes darted to the warehouse door, but it was still closed. She noted the time and then turned her attention back to the phone.

The tips of her fingers tingled and her heart raced a little faster.

She read the message again. Could it be him? It was a smart way to contact her, if it was. Did he think her phone was bugged? Did he know where she was right now, that she was alone? Or did he think she was with Diaz?

She tapped on her screen, calling the number the message had been sent from.

“Lamborghini, Oradale. Jamie speaking.” The greeting was correct, but she recognized his voice—it was oddly comforting to her.

She didn’t hang up the phone.

“Jamie, thank you for your message. I was not expecting a gift,” she said, playing along, her eyes scanning the woods around the warehouse.

“Thank you for calling me back. The gifts are a new thing... new team, new processes, new opportunities to improve customer service. We aim to please,” he said, and she felt the corner of her lips turn up.

“Well, I’m impressed. It beats the bill you usually give me,” she said with a smile.

“Yes, well, unfortunately I can’t do much about the bill, but I do have a small gift I’d like to give you. I’m more than happy to courier it to you, but we’d prefer to give it to you in person if possible. Is there any chance you can come by the dealership tomorrow, say around eleven?” he asked casually, sounding like a true service representative.

Anna’s heart skipped a beat. “Possibly. There’s a chance I’m taking a mini break for a few days... a little getaway. The details are still being confirmed,” she said, looking back at the warehouse.

“Not a problem at all. Anywhere exciting?” he asked.

“Actually, it’s a surprise, so I have no idea,” she said, scanning the trees again. She felt like he was near, but she had absolutely no proof to base that on.

“Sounds wonderful! I’m sure it will be a great trip. Call me when you’re back and we’ll arrange a time for you to come by the dealership. Hopefully you’re going somewhere warmer than Oradale. It is absolutely freezing tonight. Stay inside and stay warm, Anna,” he said, pausing for a moment, reconfirming her suspicion that he knew exactly where she was, and even that she had been contemplating getting out of the car.

He continued, “Have a good evening, Anna. I’ll talk to you soon.”