Page 84 of Lana

I bought it several years ago, but realize now it might have always been meant for you.


Her heart skipped a beat as she opened the box to reveal a beautiful, old Bible.

She smiled, almost laughing.

God, what are you doing?

She opened the cover, the scent that can only belong to old books floating up from its pages. She loved history—and, other than the views, history was the reason she’d bought the converted church property despite having lost her faith in God.

She flipped through the pages, feeling a sense of peace in her chest.

For the first time in a very long time, she knew everything would be okay.

She closed the Bible and rested it on her chest, closing her eyes.

She must’ve dozed off because when she awoke, Dr. Roberts was in her room.

“Good afternoon,” he said brightly.

Zoe cleared her throat. “Good afternoon.”

She realized the Bible was still in her hands, but he didn’t seem to notice.

“How are you feeling?” Dr. Roberts asked.

“Tired. I don’t want any more strong painkillers. Can I take ibuprofen instead?” she asked.

He pulled a stool up to her bed. “I’d prefer if you stay on them a few more days. Once pain gets out of control, it’s hard to get back under control. We’ll also get you out of bed and moving around later today, so you’ll thank me for them then.”

She gave a resigned nod and he smiled. “I’m very pleased with your recovery so far. I’m planning to discharge you in a few days if all goes as planned. But when you go home, you’ll need someone to stay with you. You can’t lift anything heavy for a few weeks and I don’t want you doing too much. Your body needs to heal and rest. Is there someone who can stay with you?”

Zoe stalled, her chest tightening. No, she didn’t have anyone. The only person she could ask was Mitch, and she had no doubt he was busy enough already.

Dr. Robert’s must’ve picked up on her anxiety. “I can arrange for an at-home nurse to be with you. It’s no problem.”

Zoe nodded, swallowing the cotton ball in her throat. Suddenly she felt alone again.

Dr. Roberts squeezed her hand. “Rest up, I’ll take care of everything.”

She nodded, tears pricking her eyes as he left the room.

The next few days were a blur of sleeping, eating, walks around the hospital ward, and bedside coffees with Mitch. She was due to be discharged at midday and she was counting down the minutes. When Dr. Roberts finally arrived, she was not expecting anyone else to walk in with him.

“Hi,” Zoe said to them both, but mostly to Mitch.

“Hi,” they both replied.

“Ready to go home?” Dr. Roberts asked.

“Very. Can I go now?” Zoe asked.

Dr. Roberts chuckled. “You can. If you need anything at all, call me directly,” he said, passing her his card. “If you have any questions or any concerns, don’t hesitate. I’d rather you ask than not.”

“Thank you,” Zoe said, taking his card.

Dr. Roberts shook Mitch’s hand and said, “Same for you.”