Page 77 of Lana

“We’ll find him,” Mitch said, determination lacing every word.

A few minutes later he spotted Jackson’s car and pulled to a stop beside it.

“How many officers do we have canvassing the woods?” Mitch asked.

“Twenty-three, including the officers from Oradale. Marion District is rallying some more but they’re also stationed at every road, checking the vehicles exiting Redwater and surrounding towns—in the event he already made it there. So, I’m not sure how many officers they’re going to be able to send.”

Mitch nodded. “We’ll do it without them if we need to. We’ll find him,” he said to reassure himself as much as Jackson.

Jackson’s radio interrupted their conversation.

“A black Range Rover was seen cutting through the woods. Jackson, I’m sending you the location now. The officers think it’s the same car Jonathan picked Zoe up in a few nights ago. It’s registered to a rental company.”

Mitch flung open the door, climbed out of his car and slid into Jackson’s passenger seat.

“Go!” Mitch yelled as he pulled his weapon from its holster.

Jackson turned the car around, the tires sliding on the dirt.

“We’re on our way,” Mitch said into the radio as their phones chimed in unison.

Mitch grabbed his from the center console and opened the map.

They were close.

“Go left here,” Mitch said, pointing.

Mitch didn’t know every road in the Redwater woods, but he’d spent many hours walking these roads with Gus.

“It’ll meet the road he’s on in a few hundred yards,” Mitch said.

Jackson swung the car left and they bounced over a hole in the road. Unlike the main roads, most of these roads were little more than dirt paths.

The car slid, but Jackson steadied it without slowing down.

“We should see him soon,” Mitch said, his eyes desperately scanning the trees as a Range Rover came hurling out of the woods, bouncing onto the road ahead of them.

For a few seconds Mitch couldn’t see through the dirt haze, but when it cleared, Jonathan’s car was still in sight.

“Go!” Mitch said as he put the window down and raised his weapon. He leaned out of the car and fired two shots but Jonathan swerved, veering off the road onto a narrow track that wove through the woods.

Jackson followed him, and Mitch was ready to aim again, but he knew he wasn’t going to have many opportunities through this part of the woods. He would need to take whatever opportunity came.

“Stay close to him,” Mitch urged. “These roads are winding and he doesn’t know them. He’ll have to slow down.”

Mitch didn’t know how well Jackson knew them either, but so far he was proving he’d driven them once or twice before.

Jackson weaved the car through the turns, the woods rushing at them so fast the trees blurred into one another.

“Target heading north,” Mitch said into his radio. “Track Jackson’s car.”

Every patrol car had a GPS tracker and Mitch knew they could use the app to track their location.

“Tracking. We’ll try and get a car to come in from the north and cut him off,” the officer said.

As they rounded the corner, Mitch leaned out of the window and fired two more shots at the car wheels. He wanted Jonathan alive.

The car bounced over the uneven road and Mitch grabbed for the hand grip, steadying himself and firing again, but Jonathan swerved around another corner. Mitch was only getting glimpses of the back of the car.