Page 44 of Lana

“Except too many out-of-towners showing up raises questions,” Mitch said. The more he thought about it, the less he was convinced by Thomas’s story. Or maybe he didn’t want to admit his town was being used as a drop-point for drugs.


Mitch’s head snapped at the sound of his name and he strode toward the car. An officer held up a bag of white crystals that looked a whole lot like methamphetamine. “Keep searching. I want every crease and fold of the car searched,” he said, taking the bag and labeling it as evidence. Without a scale, Mitch didn’t know exactly how much was in the bag, but it was clear Thomas wasn’t just using—he was dealing. And he was currently in withdrawal.

Mitch joined the officer performing the search of the trunk and pulled on a pair of gloves. The trunk was empty save for an overnight bag. Mitch opened it, pulling everything out and then packing it back in. One change of clothes, he deduced, which would also coincide with his story of driving from St. Louis just to pick up drugs.

Mitch chewed on his cheek, his hope of Thomas being their serial killer quickly diminishing. Now in addition to a multiple-homicide case to deal with, Redwater had potentially become a playground for drug dealers.

He shook his head.

One problem at a time.

He lifted up the fabric of the trunk, exposing a spare tire. He asked the officers to check if there were any traces of blood in the trunk before they locked the car in the police compound.



Zoe waved to the officer on patrol at the front of her property.

He casually returned her wave, indicating he didn’t have a worry in the world. That should’ve eased her worry, but it didn’t.

Something had happened last night, judging by the way Mitch had left in a hurry. If she’d been analyzing him, she’d have said he’d made a concerted effort to not rush off. She didn’t give it too much thought though, because it was only a matter of time before she’d know the details of this case. If she was going to do a profile for their killer, she needed to know everything they did.

She parked out front of the station, once again marveling at how little time she spent in her car since moving to Redwater, a fact that pleased her immensely after the horrific car accident that had taken her husband Timothy’s life. If she never had to drive again, she’d be a happy person, but obviously that was not an option, so this was the next best thing.

She opened the door of the police station and saw a young male at the desk. He looked up and smiled. “Hi, how can I help you today?” he asked.

She returned his smile. “Hi, I’m Zoe Seacombe,” she said. “I’m here to see Mitch—Sheriff Mitch Shaw,” she said, correcting herself.

“I’m so sorry, Zoe. I didn’t know it was you. Come right through,” he said, standing.

She refrained from raising her eyebrows in surprise. As they walked past officers, they looked up and she felt eyes on her all the way to Mitch’s office.

The young man knocked and waited for a reply.

“Come in!” Mitch yelled out, and the man opened the door, holding it wide for her.

Mitch beamed a smile as she walked in.

“Morning,” he said, holding a cup of coffee. “Zoe, this is Jackson, my second-in-command. Jackson, Zoe,” he said, motioning to the other man in the room.

Zoe extended her hand. She’d seen him before but this was the first time they’d been formally introduced.

“It’s a pleasure,” she said.

He nodded, wearing a cute smile. He seemed to be a few years younger than Mitch, a bit more baby-faced, and clean shaven. She looked between them and wondered what the local gossip was... the Redwater law officers were good-looking guys.

“Thank you so much for doing this; I’m really interested to hear your thoughts,” he said.

“I’m happy to help in whatever way I can.”

“Let’s get started,” Mitch said, standing. He gestured toward the door and she followed Jackson out, hyperaware of Mitch right behind her.

More eyes followed them as they walked through to a room behind the staff offices.

A large whiteboard hung on the wall with names and photographs on it. Her eyes landed on the photo of Lana and she took a steadying breath. She knew things she would see today would haunt her, but she needed to do this.