Page 37 of Lana

“Do you know a Shaun Williams?” Mitch asked.

Graham looked thoughtful a moment. “No. Should I?”

Mitch sighed. “I’m not sure, but that’s the name your nephew gave me.”

Graham’s eyebrows raised. “Well, that is interesting. I have no idea.”

“Thank you,” Mitch said, then went back to his desk and loaded Facebook. He typedThomas Laubein the search bar. A profile came up with a photo matching that of Graham’s nephew. Mitch clicked on the profile but only a few old photos came up.

He leaned back, crossing his arms over his chest. Why was Thomas Laube saying he was Shaun Williams, lying about being Johnny’s nephew, and driving a car registered to Brandon Ross?

What was Thomas hiding?

His office phone rang, pulling him from his thoughts.

“Mitch speaking,” he answered.

“Mitch, I have a copy of the driver’s license you requested for Brandon Ross. I’m emailing it to you as we speak. Give me a call if you need anything else,” Jerry said.

“Thanks,” Mitch said, clicking on the email. The file loaded and, lo and behold, a photograph of the man Zoe had identified as Brandon Ross stared back at him.

“Okay, then,” Mitch muttered. “How is Brandon connected to Thomas?”

He grabbed Lana’s file from his desk and looked at her last known place of employment.

G C Enterprises

Mitch typed it into Google and opened the company’s website. He read through theAbout Uspages, but there was little on the family. Interestingly, though, the company had been founded by George Champion. Mitch paused—he’d been expecting the surname to be Ross. But upon reflection, that was an incorrect assumption. The company could’ve been taken over at some point, or perhaps multiple points.

Mitch typedGeorge Championinto the search bar and he wasn’t disappointed. George Champion had sold the business to David Ross twenty years ago, and it was David Ross who had built the business into the juggernaut it was today. Mitch’s eyebrows lifted and his jaw dropped open when he saw the valuation listed on the Forbes website: forty billion dollars.

Mitch exhaled a long breath. This didn’t change the investigation, but Mitch knew that if Brandon Ross was David Ross’s son, there would very likely be a team of highly experienced and highly annoying lawyers involved, and no expense would be spared.

He changed his search to David Ross.

Married three times—his current wife a much younger woman with a sparkler on her finger the size of a small city. Father of five children, one of whom was Brandon Ross.

Mitch pinched the bridge of his nose. He didn’t know how this helped the investigation at all.

Mitch picked up his office phone and called the number Graham had given him. He was preparing what to say when a voice advised the number was no longer in service.

How convenient.

Mitch frowned. He went back to social media and did a search of Brandon Ross’s friends. Camilla hadn’t been able to give a full name, but he’d heardPeter Buh. She’d been wheezing as she’d said Buh, so it could’ve been anything really, but the surname definitely started with aB.

He typedPeterinto the friends list search field and two profiles came up: Peter Lehmann and Peter Brown. He clicked on both profiles but as he flicked through the photographs and friends list, nothing raised his suspicion.

He opened Thomas Laube’s profile again.

There were few photos of people but many landscape images—so much so that Mitch wondered if he was a photographer. Mitch scrolled through them, his veins turning to ice as he stopped on one photograph. He knew that view—it was one of the most spectacular views in Redwater. It was the reason he’d wanted to buy the house. Mitch knew without a doubt that photo had been taken from the backyard of Zoe’s house.

He grabbed his phone and she answered on the third ring.

“Hey,” she said casually.

“Hey. Everything okay there?” he asked.

“Yes, why?” she asked quickly.