Page 36 of Lana

Eventually he stood—he couldn’t avoid his job forever.

He was halfway down the aisle when a thought occurred to him: maybe he wasn’t the only one who saw Shaun Williams last night.



Graham Laube sat on the edge of the cot, hunched over, staring at his feet. The tray of food on the end of his bed appeared untouched.

He didn’t look up when Mitch entered.

“You need to eat,” Mitch said gently.

Graham sighed. “What do you want?”

“I have a few questions for you,” Mitch said, taking a seat beside him.

Eventually Graham looked at him. “Ask, but my story isn’t going to change. I know nothing about that shed or what happened in it. It makes me sick.”

Mitch nodded. “Last night, a large black truck drove down the dirt road between Johnny’s house and the converted church house. Have you seen a matte black Ford Raptor driving around any time these past few days or weeks?”

Graham hesitated for a fraction of a second. “What does the black truck have to do with the murders?”

“I didn’t say it had anything to do with them, I just asked if you’d seen it,” Mitch said, keeping his tone neutral.

“Yeah, but why else would you be asking about it?” Graham asked.

“Have you seen it around or not?” Mitch pressed.

“Yeah, I’ve seen one. My nephew has one. He visits every now and then. He left a few days ago, though. Not last night,” Graham said, his eyebrows weaving together.

Mitch’s blood ran cold. He pulled out his phone and tapped on the photograph, enlarging it.

“Is this your nephew?” Mitch asked, tapping on the face of the man he’d seen driving the truck.

Graham looked at him. “Yes,” he said, visibly swallowing. “Is he in trouble? He’s a good kid. He wouldn’t have done this.”

“I’m not saying he did, but I do need to ask him a few questions. Can you give me his name and number?”

Graham sighed, rolling his lips over one another. For a moment Mitch thought he wasn’t going to, but eventually the man nodded.

“Thank you,” Mitch said. “Do you know the number, or do you need your phone?”

“I need my phone. I barely remember my own number these days,” he said, and Mitch nodded.

“I’ll get your phone, I’ll be back in a moment,” he said, then walked out of the cell. Graham’s phone would be in the evidence room, so Mitch headed in that direction. He unlocked the door and looked for the box that had Graham’s personal belongings in it. He grabbed the phone and went back to the cells. Mitch pulled out his own phone, ready to take a screenshot of Graham’s screen, but when he looked at the name on the screen, he did a double-take.

“Thomas Laube?” Mitch asked.

Graham nodded. “Thomas Laube,” Graham repeated. “My brother’s son.”

Mitch frowned, opening the photo once more. “Point him out again,” Mitch said as Graham pointed to the man Mitch had seen driving the car.

But that man had said he was Shaun Williams.

“Something wrong?” Graham asked.

“No, I just want to make sure I have the correct details,” Mitch responded, taking the photo of his screen.