Page 73 of Little Hearts

“Tired,” she murmured.

Kneeling so he straddled her stomach, her hips pinned between his knees, he slapped her again. Hard. A pink handprint stood out on her white cheek. “No sleeping.”

“Why did you sleep with them? Our stepmothers?”

“To prove I was right.”

“About what?”

“That they didn’t marry our father for love.”

“Then why …?”

“They were gold-diggers. After his money,” he spat. Hehatedgold-diggers more than anything else on the planet.

“I don’t think …”

“Then why would they sleep with me?” he demanded. He was sick of excuses. Selene, Claudia, and Emily deserved what they’d gotten.

“You seduced them.”

“Said Emily. The woman who cheated on her husband with his own son. You really think she was telling you the truth about that?”

“She divorced Dad because of it.”

“Because she knew that if she stayed, she couldn’t keep her hands off me.”

“You raped and killed them.”

“They were animals. Using their bodies and their sexuality to get their prey into bed. I simply acquiesced and gave them the same treatment. If they wanted to degrade themselves and be nothing but animals, then that’s what they got.”

“You let the cops think it was Dad.”

He shrugged. “He was an idiot. He got what he deserved. He couldn’t tell the difference between a gold-digger and genuine love.”

“What about Mom?”

“Mom?” he snorted. “She was the worst gold-digger of them all because she got her hooks into Dad and his money permanently; with us. Kids. The ultimate bonding agent.”

“They were kids themselves when they had you.”

“Irresponsible imbeciles,” he roared. “They were fourteen. Old enough to know about contraception. They made me, and then they acted like I didn’t even exist. They didn’t care about me. They dumped me with their parents and moved on, got married, had you, decided to be parents.Youwere the one who got parents,youwere the one who got a family, and what did I get? Nothing. Well, they got what they deserved. Theyallgot what they deserved.”


“All of them,” he repeated slowly.

Tears were streaming down Aggie’s ghostly pale face. “Mom too?”

“Mom too.”


“Don’tAndrewme. She was a gold-digger, she was my mother in name only, she got what she deserved.”

“Did you rape her?”

“The night of the accident.”