“Really.” His mouth took hers and everything else faded away.
Clara could feel heat brewing between them, it sizzled and bubbled, and she lifted her hands to curl them into Jonathon's hair. She’d never felt anything this intense before, it eclipsed any feelings she’d ever had for a guy, and somehow she knew that things were only going to get better between them.
“We should stop,” Jonathon said. His breathing was heavy as he gently circled her wrists with his hands and touched light kisses to each of her fingertips.
“Why exactly are we stopping?” Her body was already throbbing with a need that only one thing could quench.
“We go much further and I reach the point of no return.”
“What’s wrong with that?”
“We only just met it would be presumptuous of me to assume you were ready to sleep with me.”
She didn’t have to ask him to know that he was clinging to restraint. That touched her, Jonathon made her feel safe, she knew that he would always consider her feelings and put her first and that made her feel bold when she otherwise would have shied away. “You should presume.”
His smile was tender and he reached out to smooth her hair, letting his fingers brush across her cheek. “Are you sure?”
“I can honestly say I have never been more sure of anything in my life.”
Jonathon gave a guttural groan and then his hands spanned her waist and he lifted her up and set her down on his lap so that her legs straddled his thighs. “You’re beautiful, you know that? I love this silky hair, I love your big green eyes, and I love this mouth.” His thumb swept across her bottom lip before he kissed her again.
The kiss was hot and hard, and it set her body alight. She shifted restlessly against his growing length, she needed to be closer, needed to feel him against her without the barrier of their clothes. “Hurry,” she begged, the pressure inside her so strong, it was begging to be released.
“Impatient aren’t you?” Jonathon smiled against her lips before kissing his way down her neck, making her squirm.
“Only for you.” Because she had a feeling he intended to draw this out, and she was pretty sure she would lose her mind if he didn’t hurry up and get inside her, Clara reached for the tent in his pants, stroked him once, and then unzipped his jeans. When she shoved his boxers aside his impressive length sprung free and she licked her lips, her body clenching in anticipation of how good it was going to feel with that buried inside her.
When she went to touch him again, Jonathon snagged her hands. “Unless you want this to be overreallyquickly you better stop doing that.”
“Who said I don’t want it to be over quickly?” she asked, shifting restlessly.
Jonathon chuckled, then he slipped a hand inside her panties, teasing her with feather light touches. “So wet,” he whispered, before his mouth found hers again and he began to plunder her mouth as she wished he would ravage her body.
She gasped when he slipped a finger inside her, and then another. He curled them around stroking a spot inside her that she’d heard of but doubted really existed because she’d never been able to find it.
Jonathon seemed to know exactly where it was though.
His thumb pressed on her little bundle of nerves, as his fingers stroked her, and she rocked her hips trying to get more of the amazing sensations he was creating inside her.
“Stand up,” he said, pulling his hands out from her pants, making her whimper a protest. “Condom?”
“Don’t need it, I'm clean and on birth control.”
“I'm clean too. I've never done it without a condom before.”
“Me either,” Clara admitted, realizing the gravity of her feelings for Jonathon. She’d never felt connected enough to a guy, never trusted one enough or cared enough about one, to let them enter her body without protection.
But Jonathon was different.
He set her on her feet in front of him and shoved her jeans and panties down her legs before lifting her up and setting her down on top of him. His length slid inside her like he was made for her, and already she could feel pleasure rippling towards her.
One of his hands held her hip while he thrust inside her, his other hand continued to work her little bud and bright lights began to shimmer before her.
“I’m going to come,” she said, clutching at his shoulders as an overwhelming tsunami of sensations came down on her.
Jonathon’s lips came down on hers, swallowing up the scream that would have fallen from her lips as the bright lights burst in a colorful display of fireworks behind her closed eyes lids.
“That was amazing,” Jonathon said, touching his lips to her temple.