Page 55 of Little Dolls

“Then come on, we can do it,” he encouraged.

“What do you want me to do? You already made us check all the walls.”

Despite her obvious pessimistic attitude, Jimmy wasn't giving up. He wouldnevergive up. He would never stop looking for a way out of here. “We check everything again, just like before. The floors, the walls, the door, and the ceiling if we can reach it.”

He expected Katie to protest. Instead, she just stood, brushed at her teary eyes, and started tapping on the closest wall.

Jimmy dragged the wooden table over to another wall, then the four wooden chairs that went with it. Maybe if he stacked them all on top of the table, he’d be able to reach the ceiling.

There had to be a way out of here.

There had to be.

He just had to find it.

* * * * *

2:12 P.M.

“They're checking the walls again.”

“I know, I think it’s sweet,” she smiled at the screen. Watching the two children circling the room was adorable. Katie and Jimmy were going to make the two best dolls so far. In fact, she thought they might be so perfect that it was going to be hard to part with them. Extremely hard.

But hers was not to judge.

She simply did what was right.

Instead of constantly slamming her, the public should be praising her. Bowing down to her even. Rushing to follow suit and save all the poor children of the world. So much pain, so much unhappiness, so much disappointment.

But not for her dolls.

All they knew was peace and tranquility.

Sometimes she wished she could join them. Wished that someone had done this for her when she was but a small a girl.

Even now, could it be done?

She wasn't sure. She hoped, she hardly dared to, but she couldn’t help it.

She had even started making some plans to make it happen. They’d gotten derailed a bit when Tommy had gone and gotten himself killed, but she could recover, rebuild—she’d already formulated a new strategy as to how. It had to work. She would not accept any other outcome. She couldn’t; she had too much to lose.

“Where has your mind wandered to, my dear?”

Her eyes filled with tears as she looked at him.

He was the love of her life.

She couldn’t live without him. And yet if she couldn’t find a way to transform them into everlasting dolls, then she’d have to.

“Do not cry, my sweet one.” His hand cupped her cheeks and brushed away her tears. That only made her cry harder, and he took her hands and tugged her down onto his lap.

She wrapped her arms around him and clung. Sobbing so violently her chest ached. Why was life so unfair? Why was the universe going to take the man she loved away from her?

“It will be all right, darling,” he soothed, patting her back.

“No, it won't,” she wept into his shoulder.

“It will,” he assured her.