Page 44 of Little Dolls

“I'm sure.”

Tears filled her eyes. “Why?”

“I can't answer that for you. I wish I could, but the answer to that died with Thomas.”

“But I need to know,” she begged. How could Tommy do this to her?

“Come here,” he put his arms around her and drew her close.

Clara pressed her face into Jonathon’s shoulder and let her tears tumble out. She didn’t want to believe it; she hadn’t wanted to believe it. She’d done everything she could to not believe it, but now it seemed like she had no other choice. Tommy was involved, and she couldn’t deny it any longer. “I don’t want it to be true,” she cried.

“I know you don’t, honey. But itistrue.” Jonathon’s hand was rubbing her back, and the soothing motion was enough to help slow her tears down before they took on a more hysterical note. Taking her shoulders and sitting her up, he began, “Clara, we have some questions we need to ask you. I know this is tough, but I also know you're strong. You ready?”

Sniffing, she nodded and allowed Jonathon to take her hand and lead her to the table. He set a chocolate-chip cookie on a plate in front of her, and she began to pick it apart. She couldn’t eat. Thinking of what her friend had done to that little girl was sickening.

“You were right that the original killers were involved; otherwise, your doll wouldn’t have turned up,” Detective Bennett began. “We think Thomas probably had a partner of his own. His mother mentioned a woman he’d been dating. Did you know he was dating someone?”

Feeling completely hollow inside, Clara nodded.

“Do you know the woman’s name?”

Again, all she could do was nod.

Covering her hands with his, Jonathon coaxed, “Clara, what’s her name? I know this has all been a shock to you, but Katie Logan and Jimmy Wallander are almost definitely still alive. If we can find this woman, we might be able to find the children.”

She drew in a shuddering breath. Once she said those words, it was like truly admitting that Tommy was guilty. Part of her was still fighting desperately against believing it, but those children were in danger. And if she could help them, then she had to, even if it felt like betraying her friend. At least, she’d thought Tommy was her friend, but obviously, she hadn’t known him at all.

“Clara?” Jonathon prompted.

“Sarah Ellis.”

* * * * *

3:45 P.M.

“Sarah Ellis?” Jonathon asked as they approached the tall brunette who was filling her arms with grocery bags while keeping an eye on three small children who were racing each other up the driveway.

“Yes?” Sarah cast them an apprehensive glance.

“I'm Detective Dawson, and this is Detective Bennett. We need to talk to you.”

Apprehension morphed into panic. “Is something wrong? Did something happen to someone? My parents? Are they okay?”

“Everything is fine,” he assured her. “We need to ask you a few questions about someone you know.”

“Oh, okay.” Still wary, she gestured at the trunk full of groceries and the children waiting by the door, “Can I unload the car first and get the children settled?”

“Sure,” Jonathon nodded, seeing her interact with her kids would help him to get a read on her. “Here, we’ll help,” he offered, picking up several of the bags. Allina grabbed the rest, and they followed Sarah to the house.

As soon as the door opened the three children, a girl of about seven, and two little boys who looked about five and three, tumbled inside, rushing into the kitchen. Sarah followed, fixed her kids a snack, then sent them off to watch some after school TV. She unpacked her bags and put a couple of perishables away in the refrigerator. Jonathon watched her carefully. She was calm and comfortable with her children, even though she was clearly nervous about their presence. The children too were completely comfortable with her, no signs that they were afraid of her in any way.

“Do you want a drink? Tea or coffee or water?” Sarah was watching them uncertainly.

“Only if you’re having something,” Allina replied.

“No.” Sarah sat at the table, and they joined her. “What’s wrong? Who do you want to talk to me about?”

From her antsy behavior, Jonathon suspected she might already know the answer to her question. “Do you know a Thomas Karl?”